Chapter Eight

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Namjoon's POV:
When I shut the door I needed to vent. To anyone. So I called the only people I knew that would make me feel better at that moment. A little after I masked the call, a knock comes at the door. I open it and welcome them in, leading them to the living room after they take off their shoes. "What's wrong with our favorite hyung?" Jimin asks with a wink. I let out a forced chuckle before answering. "U-Um...Me and Jin aren't on the best of terms right now." I say. They all give me confused looks before I continue. "Um...our first fight..." They all 'oh' before pulling me into a short group hug. "He um.." I wipe the unexpected tears from my eyes. How weak am I? "H-He said he's coming back M-Monday. We got into a fight about a situation at the police station. Um...He had a business call that I told him to answer, but I didn't hear him out after..." They all nodded. I told them everything. I told them about everything with Taemin (since it was easier to share now), the incident in the car, everything that happened at the police station, him staying at work longer, me icing him out, oh...his massage as well. Which they went crazy over!

"Omg hyung that's so sweet! I SHIP IT SO MUCH!" Jimin said first after he stopped squealing. Jungkook was fanning his face as he took in the detailed story. Tae was laughing at them both, but I just knew he was fanboying on the inside. "Have you guys made out yet?" He asks, laughing most likely at my red face. "N-No of course not!" I exclaimed. They all laughed at me and I crossed my arms defensively. "W-Well hyung,'' Kook starts as they calm down from their fit of laughter. "I-I just think you should let him talk. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want you to move in with Chim, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to leave him either, right?" I shrug but nod. "Good. I'd hate to see you both fighting. You are each other's...other half!" He finishes. I nod and smile at that, quickly acting like it wasn't because of the 'other half' thing. Cause I don't like Jin like that...right? No..."I'll definitely let him speak." I say, finally realizing that I never gave him a chance to speak.

I'd hate to not get a chance to speak if it were me.

I open my arms with a wide smile. "Thank you dongsaengs." I say before they all tackle me into a group hug on my-our-his?...Our couch. "Of course Joon-hyung!" I smile before we all pull away. "Okay now that you have no purpose here, get out. They all gasp and feign hurt, fake pouting as they head to get their shoes. But are they really faking? Now I feel bad. Didn't they know I was joking? "W-Wait!" They turn around, Jimin hopping on one leg trying to put on one shoe. I ran towards each of them and kiss their foreheads. "I love you...okay now go." They all smile and coo at me, which was a little embarrassing and I was still blushing as they all sat in Jimin's car. I wave as Jimin backs out, rolling down both the driver's and the backseat window. "Bye hyung!" They all shout out the windows as Jimin pulls off. I wave at them, feeling guilty for not waving at Jin earlier. I sigh and head back inside, making sure to locking the door behind me.

Sitting on the couch, I whip out my phone, calling Jin repeatedly as he doesn't answer the first time. "Please don't be on the plane already! Please be washing your hands so we can talk." I beg the air after being sent to voicemail again. I give up and text him to talk to me soon. I'll try again later. For now, I just sit back and watch tv. I should've let them stay over, it's a bit boring without my adorable dongsaengs.

Hey chibis! Haven't called you that in a couple chapters have I? Sorry that this chapter took so long and it wasn't even long. But Wattpad decided to f my progress when I tried to type something and I couldn't get it back so I had to rewrite it. High school is difficult, we have so much work. Which is what I was doing as I wrote this chapter so I hope I don't fail. Again, sorry for the delay, you know I care about you all.

Now remember...

I purple chu~💜

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