Chapter Nine

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(A: Okay since this is SUUUUUPER LOOONG when I wrote it, I decided to split it into two parts. This chapter has Jin arriving to his hotel, meeting his manager that same day, and the Incheon plot compromise the next day. Which would be on a Friday. Okay that's all, enjoy!)

Seokjin's POV:
I finally land and catch a cab to my hotel. My manager told me to meet up with him and his secretary Mr. Sejin in an hour so I settle in and set an alarm to get ready in 15 minutes. I check my notifications.

Namjoon- 5 missed calls and 1 text message

I don't think it could've that serious. He didn't leave any voicemails. I read the message.


Hey. Listen I'm sorry. I didn't even try hearing you out...

I kept interrupting you and it was dumb and selfish. When you come back I would love to talk again and actually listen to you this time!😂

Sorry, not the time for jokes.

I'm sorry too Joonie. And it's okay, cause when I get back we can definitely work things out.

And since when is there not a time for jokes?

-Texts End-

I smile since we're better than when I left. As I start settling in a bit, my alarm goes off and I snooze it, I don't take that long in the bathroom anyway, (A: Lol can't relate). For another five minutes I settle in, entering the bathroom once the alarm goes off again.

3rd Person POV:
I meet up with Mr.Bang and Mr. Sejin instead of Mr.Lee. "Annyeounghaseyo Bang-sunbae and Sejin-sunbae. Is Lee sunbae-nim arriving soon or is it gust the three of us this afternoon?" Jin asks with a natural, yet professional tone. Mr. Bang nods. "Yes, he is currently out sick and since we cannot post-pone this meeting he sent me in to accommodate Mr. Sejin. And since Mr. Sejin is more capable of subbing in for Lee-hyung, he will be there to aid you before the meeting. I will act in his place for the time being." Seokjin nods respectfully and holds the door open to the restaurant for his sunbaes, sitting across them at a table somewhat close to the door. "I am under the impression that you know what you are doing when it comes to important compromises?" Sejin asks. Jin nods and folds his hands above the table.

"I have done them many times in the past, I will make sure not to screw up the meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Also, I'd like to request for Mr.Bang to carry in the files and the hard drive instead of my assistant since she is not capable of catching a plane here in time. There are family issues going on at home and she apologized for the inconvenience her absence may bring for tomorrow." When he's done, both men raise their eyebrows. Sure they've seen Seokjin be formal around Mr.Lee, but he's never spoken this formally towards the two of them like this before. "Mr. Bang?" Sejin says. He looks between him and Jin. "It's no inconvenience to me so I will definitely carry them in for you, but if I do would you like me to depart afterwards or to remain by you as you give your side of the compromise?" Jin contemplated this for a moment.

If he kept Mr. Bang in the room, he would feel more comfortable with having back up just in case the other wouldn't so easily be convinced with the terms of his side of the compromise. But on the other hand, if he let him leave afterwards, he'd seem more confident in his proposition and it might leave a better impression so that he'd be deemed more trustworthy to Mr. Choi. He was a little stuck in the middle, but he'd waved it off in the end. "You can exit the room. I'll take them from you and Mr. Sejin would sit beside me as well." Than he rethought the situation. Usually businessmen had two people on their right and left side, what makes him any different? Besides, if he didn't accept the compromise, Seokjin would just take it up to his manager against his better judgement. He knew people drove or flew from Incheon to even just taste his coffee. Him turning down would be a huge mistake and he would find a way to build it, compromise or not. So Mr. Choi can either be smart or be petty. Either way Seokjin was winning his expansion.

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