Chapter Five

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(A: All speech errors are intentional. Umm... they're gonna get in a fight at the end, for a little angst you know. Whelp...we shall continue!)

3rd Person POV:
Namjoon loves the massage. It was probably the best stress-reliever ever, you know, after littlespace. He thought it was just perfect, almost as perfect as Jin. Oh what was he thinking? Jin's...face-no! Cooking. Jin's cooking is perfection like his massages. "!" Namjoon says, pointing to his pouty lips.

Jin gasps and blushes. He didn't expect such a forward question. "What would big Joonie think baby? I can't just kiss you." Jin tries to reason. Joonie thought for a bit. He knew big joonie was just too scared of living another when he just got out of such a loveless, abusive relationship. But little joonie knew Jin was different because, unlike the big scary guy Taemin, he actually cared for Namjoon. Whether he was big or little. "Pwease pwease pwease! I won' tell pwomise! Dey are soft and Joonie weally wike' dem!" Joonie begged. He made puppy eyes knowing he'd win Jin over. The older sighed before gently holding Namjoon's face between his big hands. Squishing the younger's chubby cheeks a bit. Leaning in Joonie was scared a bit so he froze and blushed hard. Jin knew he wasn't ready, so he leaned in and rubbed their noses together. He only smiled and let go, pulling back out of the younger's face. "That, my dear, is called an Eskimo kiss." The little smiled shyly before turning back towards the tv. They went back to where they remember leaving off, since they missed a couple episodes too busy in each other. After a while, Joonie broke the silence again.

"Jinnie calls Joonie baby. Do you call big Joonie baby too?" He asks. "Uh...Not really, why do you ask?" Jin says hesitantly. "W-Well Joonie neb'er had a Daddy before. Can I call chu daddy?" He asked with obvious excitement. And at the moment, he was glad he had no daddy kink or living with the little would've been a lot harder to deal with. He can't just deny his little. "W-Whatever you're comfortable with. Sure..." He barely says. Jin couldn't help but blush at the younger's bright smile, simply breathtaking. He heard a small gasp. "Daddy chu gon' explode!" The younger says trying to crawl away from Jin. The latter only chuckles before pulling him back. "No baby I'm not gonna explode. I'm just blushing. You do it too, almost all the time." Jin teases. Namjoon whines before giggling anyway. "Phew!" He says while wiping the imaginary sweat off his forehead.

Jin checks his watch. "Alright baby it's time to go to sleep. We gotta get up early tomorrow." Jin says, scooting back to slide underneath the covers. Namjoon whines. "But Daddyyyy..." He tries as he crawls to go under the covers as well. Jin shook his head. "Ah-ah-ah cmon now Joonie. It's bed time. We gotta wake up early so that we can leave by 10 and get there around 11 for the appointment." Jin explains as he watches Namjoon tear up. "B-But... I don' wanna go..." Jin pulls him close as he whimpers and starts to cry. "I know, and I'm sorry baby. I promise we can do anything you want after." Jin says as he attempts to calm the little down. Namjoon tucks his face in Jin's neck, feeling tired. He was more upset that his wonderful night had to end with Jin. He hated how it would transition to a more stressful morning. "Let's go to sleep okay?" Jin trues again. Namjoon only nods in defeat, ready to submit to the slumber that calls his name. "Night-night Jinnie..." He says before lightly snoring. Jin only pulls him closer. "Goodnight Joonie." He stares at the younger's face for a bit before kissing his forehead again. I think I'm falling for you...He thinks to himself.

Seokjin's POV:
The next morning, I woke up at 8:20, turning off the alarm before it could startle Namjoon awake. I took a shower and got dressed, laying out an outfit for Namjoon as well. Waking him up so he could get ready around 9:15, I head downstairs to cook a quick breakfast. He comes downstairs as I set our two plates on the counters and put everything else in the sink. "Here's breakfast." I say. We eat in a rush as it was already 10:20-ish. I quickly gulp down the rest of my juice, rushing back upstairs to grab my phone,wallet, and keys. When I came back down he was finally drinking his juice, so I grabbed his plate and placed it in the sink. I put on my shoes and grabbed his for him, helping him put his on since he woke up little this morning, and got ready to go. "Go put your cup in the sink." I say. He grabs it and goes into the sink. Next things I know, there's a crash of something broken and a small shriek.

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