Chapter 14

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Hello chibis, I've read my book over, and when I'm done, I've decided to go back and edit this book. So some things will make more sense and it'll be more professionally written with, hopefully, less grammatical errors. This is the POV of Minsoo's parents which means it's Monday again, Le GASP :O If you couldn't tell, because I forgot to tell the day of that chapter, the day everyone went to the picnic was Monday.

But n e waiz, enjoy!~


3rd Person's POV:
She was crying, and she was crying hard. I mean, can you blame her? Well yeah, you really could. You could blame both of them actually. This really was all their fault.

How could you forget your own 2-year-old son at the park?

"It's gonna be okay honey, we're gonna find him. I promise-"

"You don't know that!" Jisoo shouted at her husband.

It's true, he doesn't know that, but couldn't you blame him for trying to be optimistic?

"I don't, but I'm sure with every fiber in my being that we'll find him." They both looked back on the day prior, wondering how in the world they went so long without realizing such a thing.

Today, Minsoo was ecstatic.


Today is the day his parents had promised to take him out to the park! They were also going to let him be with them the entire day instead of with Aunt Jiyoon as usual- which doesn't happen as often as he would like- so he couldn't wait to spend the day together like a family.

They made it to the park and he was bouncing in his seat, really eager to play with them. HE glanced up at the mirror and watched as his dad turned the car off and looked back at him, a smile adorned his face as well. That made Minsoo even happier because his appa was usually frowning with stress lines on his forehead because of work. His mom came around and unbuckled him, picking him up as they walked further into the park by the lake. He was put down and immediately grabbed onto both of his parents' hands as they walked along the sidewalk. They played some 'I Spy', watched all the duck families, watched people feed them, giggled at turtles, watched the tiny fish at the shore of the lake. It was a rare, tranquil moment between the trio. Moments like these were the ones he always took advantage of the most since he didn't know when the next ones were going to come up next.

Before they knew it, they had looped back around to the front of the park. "Do you wanna play?" His appa asks him. He was beaming. "Yes yes yes! Will chu pway wif' Minnie appa? Eomma?" He asks, hoping for a good answer. They both nodded and walked after him as he ran towards the only empty swing on the playground. His eomma was pushing him while recording his appa run around through the swings, making funny faces as Minsoo got close. Suddenly though, his phone started ringing and he paused to check the ID of the caller. He held up two fingers together, code for pause, and walked a little away from the park. Even though his mom had picked him up and swung him around, he still noticed his dad talking worriedly into the phone. She put him back down and told him to go play with the other kids, which he did, as she went to go check up on her husband.

He ran up to a girl with light brown hair and diamond blue eyes. "Hi, I'm Kim Minsoo! What chu name?" He asked her, wanting to make one friend that was around his age. "S-Sonmin. Min Sonmin." They shook hands and went to play under the monkey bars together. "W-What you wan' pway?" He asks her. She made an exaggerated thinking expression before requesting a family game, to which he agreed and the stood under the bars in the middle while holding hands, marriage. A couple of other kids came over and one of them decided to be the priest and the other apart of the non-existent crowd. They went by the names of Choi Minho and Choi Jinri, but she went by Sulli. "I now p'onounce chu, hu'sand and wife. Now kiss!"  Minsoo looked at his 'wife' and saw her tiny little lips turn into a nervous smile before she put her hands up to her face. He thought she was pretty.

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