Chapter 15

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Hey there, I've been trying to update more frequently, but obviously I'm not the best at it so I can't guarantee a constant consistency of my publishing. But! I will definitely try and make it up by trying to make each chapter as entertaining as possible, at least enough that you will wait up for me. We are back with Namjin and tiny Minnie(who shall be called Mini in text seeing as we already have a Minnie, our mochi). Btw, Jisoo and her siblings are related to Seokjin and his brother, a squad of five. This chapter is a bit angsty, don't know why. It wasn't supposed to be this way lol.



Seokjin's POV:
I just finished washing Minsoo and Joonie, dressing them in their own onesies. Joonie was in his koya onesie and Minsoo was in a yellow duck onesie. They were too cute.

I was watching tv while Minsoo was busy being excited after Namjoon asked if they could play with the toys. At first he was hesitant, not thinking that an adult would understand how to go beyond the horizons of their imagination into his own. It was amazing when he realized how much Joon could actually keep up with him instead of just agreeing and going with it. It was also amazing how Namjoon was in his little space but managed to be almost as responsible over Minsoo as he would if he wasn't. It warmed my heart when they ran upstairs together.

Anyways, back to what I was saying, we were minding our business. I had just got off the call with some guy in Florida. We decided to postpone the meeting I was going to fly out for tomorrow because of my current situation, it would be a safety hazard for not only me. Him, Joon, Mini, my security, all of us. So we're gonna be here for a little while until the police and my team can find out what sick bastard is trying to kill me. I flip the channel and start watching something about American football, someone just got trucked-

Then I get a call.

I pick it up after seeing it was the head of my security.


"Sir. Oh Sehun, from you sister's security squad, has called and has offered you her new number. He said she wanted to talk to you."

3rd Person's POV:
Now that was something he definitely wasn't expecting. He and his sister haven't spoken in years...

"Uh...Yeah, yeah send it please. Thank you." And just like that, he was calling her.


Wow, she sounds a lot less whiny than when she was pregnant.

"J-Jisoo?" He mentally curses himself for stuttering, it was just his sister. Who he hasn't spoken with since her son was born. Unsurprisingly, he hasn't talked to any of his three other siblings except Seokjung for some reason.

"Seokjin-oppa, is that you?" She asked. He gulped.

"Yeah it's me. You wanted to um...s-speak with me ab-bout something?" He doesn't know why he's so nervous. Ever since he refused to be a CEO and manage financing, choosing his bakery, he knew his family was mad. He had stopped coming to family reunions after he heard two of his aunts talking about how he'll fail. Well they can suck his big toe, cause look at him now-

"Yeah, it's actually me...I saw the news, are you okay?" He wanted to cry. He hasn't talked to any of his family members in a long time and he didn't realize how much he missed them. Didn't really have time since he was building his bakery up from scratch all those years ago. How was his mom? Where even is she? He breathed in and out to steady his voice before answering.

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