Chapter 49: Jemma and the Box

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Coming back home for Jemma was easier than she had expected it to be. After being dropped off at her building with Claire and Wanda, she called her parents to let them know that she was back, and within the hour they came over and dropped off Griffon. They met Wanda and immediately fell in love with her, practically making her part of the family.

Jemma's life went back to normal before running off with the Avengers for two years. Under some miracle, she kept her job at the paper, and during the day that's where she was, and when she'd get off in the evening, she'd go home, feed Griffon and herself (and occasionally Wanda and Claire) and then she would go to bed. Though, as the weeks went by, and Wanda and Claire's apartment came together, Jemma found herself in the apartment alone; missing the company of her little sister.

She tried to keep herself busy with work and her writing to keep from noticing the deafening silence, and it worked, but only most of the time. The only time she really noticed it was when she went to bed. Griffon, who grew accustomed to Wanda's presence, started sleeping in her bed, while Jemma slept in her king bed all by herself. It was at these points in time when Jemma would reflect on a time when she wasn't alone in the bed, and that the sound of Lily's snoring kept her company. It killed her that she'd never get to have another moment like that, ever.

Jemma sat up in bed and ran her fingers through her hair, letting out a frustrated scream. Tears ran down her face and she frantically looked around the darkened room. A flash of light came in through the window, catching her eyes and momentarily blinding her, and landed on something on her dresser. Jemma followed the light, turning her eyes to a picture frame laying faced down. Without even flipping it over she knew what it was.

She bit her lip, trapping the coming sob inside her, refusing to let it out. She was over this, she tried to convince herself. She had two years where she wasn't feeling like this. She was over this. Getting out of bed, she walked over to the picture frame, grasping it tightly in her hand, afraid that she'd drop it. She took a deep breath and wiped her tear stained face. If she was over this, she could look at this picture and not feel a thing, right? She inhaled sharply and flipped the picture frame over, gazing at it.

Her eyes went directly to Lily's timeless face smiling back at her as her arms held Jemma close as she laughed and ducked her head as the camera snapped the picture, leaving a memory of her flipping dark hair and the remnants of a smile. Lily's blue eyes glowed in the dark, staring right into Jemma's soul, and her heart crumbled. Her throat closed up as the sob broke free from her, leaving her gasping and collapsing to the floor. The tears came full force, blurring her already limited vision of the picture. She laid on the floor, curled up in a fetal position, clutching the picture frame to her chest as if she was willing the Lily in the picture to spring from the paper and glass and hug her back. Her throat ached as the lump formed regardless of the fact that she was already crying and pressed against the walls of her throat.

"Calm down, love. Just breath."

She breathed in deeply and furiously wiped her eyes. Her sobs had stopped, thank God, but the tears continued to fall. Upon hearing the commotion from the next room, Griffon strolled into the room, pushing Jemma's door open with his head, and walked over to her, nudging her knee with his head. Jemma sniffled and sat up, reaching for the feline, and held him close to her as she started to cry again. She thought of Lily's stupid little arguments with him, never understanding why they never got along.

"Jemma, I swear that cat is out to get me."

Griffon let out a little meow and Jemma sniffled again, burying her face into his soft fur.

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