Punched In The Jaw, And You're Too Late. Darlin' You Give Vampires A Bad Name.

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Jack struggles to pull Alex into the bathtub full of blankets. The only sound in the now quiet house is Alex's soft snores. He's out cold for now, but luckily still alive. Or at least Jack is pretty sure he is.

Rian calls a few times, but Jack just says that everything's going fine for now and asks him just to find Brendon.

Jack spends the night on the bathroom floor. He wants to be there in case Alex needs anything, and he's positive he wasn't going to get any sleep anyway.
He mostly scrolls through symptoms on his computer, but all he's getting is tumblr posts about vampires.

It seems pointless to keep up a search for what could possibly be wrong, but knowing how Alex looked when he finally got back after being gone for three days....
A suspicious welt on his neck that was originally covered in blood does sound suspiciously like a vampire bite.

Jack sets his phone down on the floor and looks over the edge of the tub at his sleeping friend. There's blood beginning to pool around his mouth, but Alex's steady breathing is enough to convince Jack that his friend will be fine.

Then he remembers that coughing up blood means internal bleeding, he's not sure what spitting out blood means.
Maybe Alex doesn't need a hospital, but a dentist instead.

Jack frowns at the scarlet substance staining Alex's comforter for a long time before he finally lets out a sigh and turns back to his phone.


Jack wakes with a start to the sound of a knock on the front door. It's still dark out and Jack is now sore from sleeping on tile.

Groaning a bit as he stands up, Jack quickly checks to make sure Alex is still breathing before heading to the door. He knows it's Rian because Rian texted him a few minutes ago that he was on his way back.

The lock clicks and the door swings open. Jack yawns while Rian pulls someone into the dark living room behind him.

"Tell him what you told me," Rian orders with his arms crossed.
The man looks down at his feet uncomfortably and Jack tries to make out his figure in the dark.

"Go on," Rian says. "Tell him."
The man, obviously Brendon now that Jack's eyes have adjusted, sighs. "I turned him," Brendon explains.
Jack blinks for a moment. "Like... spoiled milk?"
"No, like... like a vampire."

Jack stares at Brendon in the dark for a long time before he starts laughing uncontrollably. It's late, he's tired, he's frustrated. Jack just keeps laughing until he can't anymore.
Then he sits down on the sofa. "A vampire? Seriously?" He asks Brendon with a smile. "You turned my roommate and best friend into a vampire?"
Brendon nods. "I wasn't planning to, but Ryan was mad at me and usually he lets me drink from him, but I guess I hadn't realized how long it had been and before I knew it Alex was almost dead, so I panicked and then.... And then I turned him to save his life."

Jack isn't really sure what to say, but he can't help but think this is all some sort of sick prank. Alex could be dying for all they know, and Brendon is making jokes.
Jack stands up from his seat and walks over to Brendon. He's pissed off and exhausted.

So when his fist collides with Brendon's jaw, Jack doesn't say a word, he just turns away and walks back to the bathroom where Alex is still asleep.

Rian and Brendon follow after him; Rian demanding questions and Brendon just wanting to explain. But Jack's now peaceful demeanor stops them in their tracks.

Jack has now stopped in the bathroom to brush Alex's emo fringe out of his face. He doesn't say a word as he sits on the edge of the bath tub watching his friend quietly with a tired, blank stare.

Rian, a knower of the obvious chemistry between his two friends, can't help but smile.
Brendon, however, watches with an empty pit in his stomach. In Jack and Alex, Brendon sees Ryan and himself. Brendon had made a terrible decision. He needs to call his boyfriend.

But first he needs to help Alex.

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