Chapter 9 - Meet Linc

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This is dedicated to FeatherTrees!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for making so many covers for my story and putting up with my picky behaviour X(

Chapter 9


“Mmmm?” I’m in the lounge room curled up on the couch reading a book. Sam’s been zooming in and out of the room, modelling his superhero costumes made out of a mismatch of clothes. Mostly mine.

“Haileeeeey,” he whines. I’m up to the good part in my book and I don’t want to stop reading.

“Yes Sweetie?”

“I’m Batman!”

“That’s nice.”

“Do you like my costume?’

I glance up quickly with a smile, “You make a good superhero, Sam.” I quickly look back down at my book, catching up from where I left off… I jerk my head back up as he runs out of the room, declaring he’s going to show Claire.

He is not wearing what I think he is.

“Samuel McLane!” I bellow as I get up, my book falling to the ground, forgotten.

I start to run after him, “Sam, come back here! You’re not supposed to wear that!”

I run after the little boy who has one of my black bras hooked over his head like airplane goggles and one of my singlets tied around his neck.

I’m not going to hear the end of this.

I run out the door just in time to see Sam barrel into John, interrupting the game of basketball he’s playing with the boys, “Dad! Dad! Do you like my batman costume?”

I freeze on the veranda. Everyone stares at Sam. John looks notably uncomfortable.

Wes looks confused, “Is that a–”

I sprint down the steps and grab Sam, “Pretend you didn’t see that.” I mutter and then I dash back into the house with the culprit over my shoulder.

I sigh as I quickly take off Sam’s batman headgear and cape in the kitchen, “Sam you can’t do that. You have to use other clothes if you want to play dress-up.”

He looks at me, “Are you mad?” he says quietly.

 I kneel down to his height, “Well, no not really… Just don’t do it again ok?”

He nods, looking unconvinced, “Ok…”

I ruffle his hair, “Go outside and play now.” I watch as he scampers off.

I sigh again.

The youngest McLane seems to be taking after his brothers. Great… I hope going through my underwear draw doesn’t become a regular habit. On second thoughts, with Jake as his older brother, I don’t think that will be too hard…


The alarm clock goes off. It’s way louder than I remember it being.

Maybe it’s because it’s a Monday morning… Second week of school… Wheeeewww...

The rest of the weekend went by pleasantly. NOT. I was right, I didn’t hear the end of it. Yesterday afternoon I found the guys quizzing Sam on what he saw in my closet. Pervs. Sure there were snarky and extremely suggestive comments, but I remembered what Claire had said about them being boys and all, and just ignored them. John seemed to recover, but the guys were smart enough to stop talking about it whenever he came into the room.

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