the goodbyes and finale planes

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As hermione made her way down stairs she heard the door slamming in the front dining area. So she ran as fast as she could to see what was wrong . Just then her mom bellatrix the supposed to be coldest witch in the world came into view crying on Tom's shoulder. About how much she would miss her girls and how severus better not mess up. the girls new there part was to there horror was to keep potter and wesley off the right track .severus was to prepare things and get them on and out safely. She needed to go over the plan with him and ginny . but hes not here this morning so it will have to wait besides that she was truly going to miss her parents that were not the evil ones the order was. thay wanted to rule the elder wand so that Dumbledore would rule the world . Tom wanted to keep the order in the wizard world and of course rule it but trust me hes better then Dumbledore who hides behind false statements. After a wonderful breakfast and happy conversation and anything and everything. Ginny showed up and at this point the girls had to put on ther glmors so thay could go to the train. they were built just right curves in all the right places and looked like there moms twins .but powerful and smart like there dad . Just as thay were ready to apperate to the train station draco malfoy along with lucius malfoy walked in with blase and his mom walked in right behind them and asked if thay may speak to there lord .he said yes and sent them ahead to catch the train . Leaving a very confused ginny and hermione.

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