the last ball you'll ever see

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As thay walked in harry and ron noticed two things . 1.was all the teachers were tied to chairs. And 2. There were only slerinen students here . Right away the boys shoved the girls behind them.dont worry girls we will save you.all th sudden thay herd the girls laughing and thay turned to look at them with confusion on there faces. Why are you laughing  well harry because it's not us who needs saving.  Just then he grabbed Hermione's arm to apperate but remembered you can't  do that on school  grounds.  Just then the lights came on and ther stood draco malfoy blase zanbini and none other then Voldemort and bellatrix lestrange.  Oi potter get your hands off my girlfriend.  What are you talking about malfoy. Its quite easy boy spoke Voldemort now . My daughters have done there job right and we have taken out the order the teachers the ministry and your precious Dumbledore you are alone in this . What have you done with the rest of the school. There in the dungeons that will be sorted as will all the wizarding world after your death. Pure bloods will be in charge and allowed to attend school. And halfbloods will be the help and shop keeps and muggle borns will be slaves or die not too many will live we want to get things back to its rightful  order. Oh yes sorry mr  weasel your whole family was murdered tonight being traitors was a crime that is unfortunately not tolerated. With that ron  ran at Voldemort and raised his wand but before he could say a word he was hit with the killing curse .and as he fell to his knees and then to the floor harry knew this might be the last ball he would ever see. Just the he turned to hermione and ginny and with hurt and tears in his eyes And asked why .because we want what is right did you really think we cared for you no we wanted to help our family.and with that thay took there glamors off  and he saw thay were just like there mom and it broke his heart .well boy  are you ready to die.harry got mad then  he would not die a coward .and said you wish and with that the girls left and the fight was about to start.                               


dark beauty Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora