after party and news

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The party was in full swin and everyone was having so much fun. Close to the end of the night that were all told to gather round and that's when there lord and friend joined by his wife bellatrix made a special announcement. Friends family and loyal followers. We have come to celebrate our daughters have just begun there storys on a new path in life and I am proud to announce that we will be welcomed with a whole new line of death . eaters and not just by  my daughters. We also will have the following couples who are also expected to being us a line of children who will not only be powerful but being this world to greatness again. As we call you will stand .with that bellatrix started calling names.luna and fred as loyal followers I I will bless your child with the ability to to control fire ice wind and rain and the emotions others and bend then to there will .next pansy and theo not. Your child shall see the future and control any beast with one look and also influence the choices of others .george and daphne green grass. Your child will have the ability to cause pain with one look and bring the dead back with a touch .and my daughter your children shall be the most powerful of all all the ability of the others but more and I have given you all these blessed children as a thank you for helping to set our world right and thay shall have the tools to show all there peers at Hogwarts the way to keep our world  pure.  With that thay all went back to celebrating. 

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