the no war plan

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After a few minutes of waiting the girls were getting  restless. But just as thay were standing to go hex the head or there house he came striding into the room. Ok how can I help you bitches oh I mean witches today . Ha ha be careful with what you say we are in no mood . Clearly not ladys so what do you want .as you know we are dating draco and blaise and daddy has accepted a proposal for our hands with them but it's like a war stake or bond. that's a good thing right that's what you ladys have been waiting for right . Well yes but this bond means that they die if thay fail there mission. Well how hard can it be there highly skilled in dark magic as the two of you are . Yes but here's were you come in the mission is to kill potter weasel and Dumbledore. Snape got pale and said os that all . Well that's easy the girls got shocked looks and said really no dummy's go to class I will fix this give me a week to think now leave  .thank you we will be back in a week.and off thay went to herboliogy with gryffindor.

dark beauty Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang