time for this dance to end

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As the death eaters walked out of the room snape stopped at the door . and bid all the soon to be dead teachers and potter good day . As the doors closed all harry could do was stare at the  fate before him . He saw the dark lord walk towards him and as he did harry had to speak even if thay were his last words . he had to know . Why why my family why my world why me and to that the dark lord just smiled and said . you are so stupid boy why you're family because you're family and muggles and people like them are a plague on the world that must be purged the name of witch and wizard used to be grate now its tainted but then that brings us to why you because your mom was dumb enough to put a mother's love spell on you and in doing so you became the last and only thing that could kill me and I'm going to end that tonight. And now what's you last words to be . Harry thought and the ot clicked his whole life he was used as a pawn Voldemort Dumbledore hermione ginny what was the point of fighting for a world like that so he said kill me I'm down with this game thinking I could make a difference was mad . You stupid boy fight like we raised and coached you you worthless boy shouted head of gryffindor house she was pissed to that he said point maid and with that the killing curse hit and he was gone . Next the teachers went.
and the purge began.  and soon it was time for the wedding planning.

So next will be wedding stuff and kids cant wait wrote thos young so hope you like ots been in a folder and wanted to keep the same.

dark beauty Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt