Chapter Three

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Willow makes really great cupcakes

"Yeah" I added. I was sitting in Willow's
About how the other Vks were plotting something. "You have to help me find out."

"I don't know about this, Hazel." Willow said with a serious look.

"You don't, but I do. C'mon they could be putting my stay in jeopardy and I actually like it here." I said, I was messing with willow's book shelf, rearranging her books.

"Matter of fact it's not even 'they' its Mal, it's like they're her puppets and does as she says." I ranted.

Willow looked at me as I continued to rearrange her books.

"Fine. What are you doing?" She asked standing up from her bed, walking to me. She pushed me away from the bookshelf.

"Do you know how long it took me to organize these." Willow put some of the books back in place. "It took willow 72 hours to put all 1280 of these books in alphabetical order and you just ruined it."

I laughed, "did you really, sit here and count all of these books?" I walked to her bed and sat down.

"Yes, yes I did." She answered, proudly.
She was trying reorganize them, but she couldn't focus.

I laughed, "neat freak."

She rolled her eyes.


Willow's stomach growled, "Before you continue ranting, how about we get some food? Then you can finish your rant." Willow persuaded.

I nodded and stood up "Lead the way."

Willow walked out the room and I followed.

When they got to the community kitchen they started looking for things to eat. By they I mean Willow, I sat on the counter dangling my feet as I watched Willow look for things to bake.

"Let's bake some cupcakes." Willow suggested with a cupcake box in her hand.

"Okay." I nodded. Willow got out all the ingredients to make cupcakes.

Willow paused. "Are you going to help?"

"Nope, I'll just watch from a distance." I replied popping the p in 'Nope'.

Willow nodded and started pouring the ingredients into a bowl.

About a hour later, the cupcakes were done, Willow was decorating them and I sat there watching in amazement. "Wow you're good at decorating."

"Thanks, my mom taught me."

I nodded.

"Ready to go back?" Willow asked. She had finished the cupcakes. They were vanilla with chocolate frosting with sprinkles. 

I nodded, we went back up to her dorm, taking the cupcakes with us Ofcourse.

3rd person

Shortly after Willow and Hazel left the kitchen Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos came in.

They were planning to make a love spell for Ben.

"Hey Mal, you think you could  make enough for two love spells?" Jay asked.

Jay and Carlos sat on top of the countertop watching Mal aggressively whisk together the ingredients for the love spell. Dude sat in between the two boys, inside of a large bowl.

Mal looked up from at Jay from her bowl of ingredients. "What? Why? And for who?"

All three of them stared at Jay blankly.

"For Carlos." Jay answered nonchalantly.

Carlos furrowed his eyebrows, "What? For who?" He asked while petting dude.

"Hazel." Jay replied.

"Ew, you like her." Mal said giving Carlos a disgusted look.

"What? No I don't." His voice got high pitched. Whenever Carlos lied his voice would get high pitched.

Evie gasped, "Awe, you do."

Carlos blushed. "No I don't."

"It's so obvious don't even try to hide it." Jay said putting his hand on Carlos's shoulder.

"Sure I'll do it." Mal answered before going back to whisking her mixture.

The next morning Carlos approached Hazel at her locker with a plastic bag of chocolate chip cookies.

"Hey, Hazel" Carlos greeted.

"Hey Carlos," Hazel smiled, her eyes wandered to the plastic bag full of cookies.

"Last night, Jay and I made chocolate chip cookies and I saved you one." He said, handing her the bag with one huge cookie in it.

She smiled. "Thanks," she put the cookie inside her locker and closed it.

Carlos' face went blank, "You aren't gonna eat it?"

"Oh, I am, just not right now. I have to cheer at the tourney game and Ben told me it's bad luck to eat before a game." She explained.

A sad look grew on Carlos' face. "Could you just eat a piece so I could get your feedback on it?" He asked.

"No, but I'll tell you once I eat them after the game. I promise"  she stated holding her pinky out. "Pinky promise."

Carlos shook his head at her pinky. "Just try a little piece." He pleaded.

Hazel rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine." She took the cookie out her locker, opened the bag. Breaking a small piece of the cookie, she took it out and ate it.

"Happy now?" She snapped, making Carlos jump.

She slowly chewed. "This is good." 
Her green eyes lit up and her pupils expanded.

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