Chapter Six

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Halloween special 🎃

Later that night Hazel went to sleep with Carlos in his bed. She woke up, expecting Carlos to still be beside her but he was gone. She sat up and looked across the room to see if Jay was still there, he was. He was snoring in his deep slumber. It was about 6 o'clock in the morning there wasn't class today because of halloween.

Hazel yawned, "Carlos?" She called.

She saw him peeking out the bathroom with his red toothbrush in his mouth. "Hm?" He hummed.

She shook her and laughed. "Are you doing anything for halloween?" She asked, leaning her head on the headboard of his bed.

"On Oh done so," Carlos mumbled, before going back into the bathroom.

Hazel laughed, "What?"

Carlos finished brushing his teeth, then came back out. "No, I don't think so."

"What did you do on halloween back at the isle?" She asked.

"The same thing we usually did on the isle." Carlos informed.  "What did you do?" He he sat on top of his bed next to me.

"My mom and I would just mess with people." She stated, she started stretching. Her eyes darted to her bag that sat on the floor, with Mal's spellbook peaking out of it. She got so caught up with Carlos last night, she forgot about the spell book.

"I have to go." She stood up.

"Oh, okay" Carlos nodded.

She picked up her bag from off the floor the headed towards the door.
"I'll see you later," she said before she walked out.

She went back to her dorm, hoping Mal and Evie wasn't there, so she could go through the book. When she opened the dorm she saw them both. Mal was sleeping and Evie was awake, designing dresses.

"Where have you been?" Evie asked, examining hazel. Her hair was messy and fuzzy, and she still had on the same clothes from yesterday.

"I was at Carlos' dorm," she replied.

A huge smirk grew onto Evie's face. "Doing what?"

Hazel laughed. "Don't tell me you think we--" hazel paused. "You really think we'd--"

Hazel shook her head and walked into the bathroom, locking the door once she got in there. She opened her bag and took out the spell book. There was a page that was folded, so she opened that page.

"Love spell"  the page read. Hazel stared at it in confusion. Because Hazel was still on the spell, she couldn't fully comprehend why Mal would need a love spell. She wouldn't understand it until someone explained it to her.

She just closed the book and put it back into her bag.

"Hazel it's 7 o'clock in the morning what could you possibly be doing here?" Willow asked, irritated.

This wasn't the first Hazel showed up at Willow's door at 7 in morning nor will it be the last, but this was the first time willow was actually irritated with Hazel for her doing it. I mean, Hazel has been blowing her off for a while, so she has a reason to be upset.

"I found Mal's spellbook and I'll tell you the rest if you let me in." Hazel persuaded.

Willow rolled her eyes. "Fine, but only because these halloween decorations are creeping me out." She said, pointing at the monster decorations on the wall, behind Hazel.

Willow moved aside and Hazel stepped in, willow closed the door behind her.

Hazel sat at the desk and placed the book on the table, turning on the flashlight on, so they can read the page together.

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