Chapter Eight

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I just went on my first date EVER and it was amazing

"Where did you get all of this food from?" I asked Carlos.

We were on our date. We were having a picnic at some near some lake. There was a ton of food. Foods that I didn't even know existed.

"Ben." He replied.

I nodded, I grabbed a chocolate red thing out of a bowl full of them and popped it into my mouth.

"Do you know what any of this food is called?" I asked, with my full full.

He laughed, then shook his head. "I know that's a strawberry covered in chocolate."  He said, grabbing what I now know as a chocolate covered strawberry out of the bowl.

I nodded.

"Mal introduced them to me." He said, before biting into the strawberry, leaving the green leaf part in his hands.

I rolled my eyes at Mal's name.

"What do you have against her?" He asked in a soft tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I mean, y-you you act like you hate her." He stammered.

I shrugged. "I act like that because I do." I laughed. "Anymore questions?"

He shook his head.

"So do you like it here at Auradon?" I asked breaking the silence.

He nodded, "yeah."

"Better than the isle?"

He hesitated, but ended up nodding.

"Do you?"

I nodded, "Yup. If we never came to Aurodan, I never would've met you." I looked into his eyes.

He blushed, "t-t-thanks."

After my date with Carlos I went back t ok my dorm to tell Evie about it.

When I walked back into my dorm she was standing in the same place she was before I left. At her sewing machine station thing.

"Hazel." Evie smiled.

"Evie?" I said in a confused tone.

"Did he like you're outfit?" She asked. 

I let Evie do my hair and outfit for the date.

I nodded, "yeah, he said 'he loved it.'"

She nodded.

The dress wasn't a very fancy dress, but it was definitely different from what I usually wear.

It was a black dress with short sleeves with a white collar.

"So tell me everything that happened." She squealed.

"Nothing really." I replied.

"What? It was you guy's first date and nothing happened."

"Yup. What were you expecting?"

"He got you flowers, told you he loved you, got you a necklace, let you talk about yourself. Stuff like that." She went on and on.


Most of the date, Carlos and I talked about our lives on the isle. He told me about his mom. I told him about mines and my dad, too.

She scoffed. "Uh, I need to need to have a talk with him."

"Is that how dates supposed to go?" I asked.

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