Chapter Four

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Did Carlos get cuter or is it just me? He definitely got cuter.

Once the tourney game Ben had serenaded Mal. Which was weird.. It was obvious that Ben was crushing on Mal, but for him to sing her song and ask her out in front of the whole school was extremely out of the ordinary. Especially since he was still with Audrey. I mean she's a total bitch, but she didn't deserve that.

Speaking of out of the ordinary I felt extremely different. Not like it was a bad kind of different, just a different different.

After the tourney game and that little musical Ben put on, Carlos asked me if I wanted to hangout at his dorm so that is where I am, currently.

I hung upside down with my head hanging on the ledge of his bed, playing with a Rubik's Cube that I found sitting on his night stand. Carlos sat on the top part of his bed in a cross legged position with Dude in his lap. He was doing Math homework.

"Based off of the ten minutes I've been here I realized a lot of things." I said, playing with the rubik's cube.

Carlos turned his attention away from his homework and to me. "Like what?"

"Well one for starters, your dorm is way better than mines. I mean you have a huge TV."

Carlos laughed.

"And you don't have a Mal in your dorm." I added.

"Two, you're a neat freak." When we first got here, Carlos's bed was neatly made up, the pillows were neatly stacked on top of his smooth not one single crease comforter. His three hardcover books that sat on his nightstand were neatly stacked on top of each other. The only messy part of his dorm was Jay's bed.

"Three; you're adorable, but I didn't just realize that." I said, smirking. I sat up and looked over at Carlos, he was blushing.

"Four: I'm giving myself a headache by hanging upside down." I groaned. I pulled myself up and laid down on his bed.

"And finally, this one has nothing to do with me being in here but. Five: I swear you poisoned me with that cookie gave me earlier. " I said, joking.

By the looks of Carlo' face he couldn't tell. He looked nervous. "I'm joking," I said, laughing. His nervous look faded into a nervous smile. He laughed nervously. If you can't tell by my now..... HE'S  NERVOUS!

"Unless you did poison me?" I said with another laugh.

"No, no, no. I didn't. Just a little too much sugar maybe." He said, wiping off his forehead.

He was sweating.

"I was kidding Carlos, sheesh.... You're making me nervous now." I said.

He sighed in relief.

"I looked at the clock that was hung on white walls. "12:40" it read.

"I gotta go." I say getting up off his bed.

"Wha—why, you just got here?"

"Class, I'll see ya later, puddin." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I picked up my bag and left the room.

In Biology, everyone in that class was taking a tough multi page test. I just happened to glance at Evie, she reached for her mirror in her purse.

"Looking for something?" Mr. Delay asked, holding up her mirror.

Evie gasped.

"Thank you, chad," Mr. Delay said, resting his hand on Chad's shoulder, Chad smiled.

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