Chapter Seven

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"Huh?" Jay furrowed his eyebrows at the blonde.

He was pretending as if he didn't know what Hazel was talking about.

"If I found out what?" She repeated. She  let go of the door knob, letting the door slam shut.

"I–I" Carlos stammered.

"Carlos! Had planned a surprise date for the two of you, tomorrow." Jay said over Carlos' stuttering.

Hazel smiled. "Really?" She looked at Carlos.


Jay elbowed him. "Y-yes." He rubbed the spot Jay had elbowed him in.

"Whatcha got there?" Jay asked, not trying to continue their conversation on their current subject. He pointed at the chocolate pumpkin in her hand.

"Oh....." Hazel looked at the pumpkin.
"I had got you a chocolate pumpkin, I know you love chocolate and today- well yesterday was halloween and I got this for you." Hazel explained.

She walked to Carlos passing him the pumpkin.

Carlos smiled. "Aw, thanks... I wish I got you something."

Hazel laughed. "That's ok, you're presence is the best gift anyone could ask for."

She won't be saying 
Carlos blushed, Jay rolled his eyes.

"Ew, disgusting." Jay said, leaving the dorm. Hazel stuck her tongue out at him on his way out the door.

Carlos sat the pumpkin down on the table, then turned back to Hazel and pulled her into a hug.

He thought he better get the last few hugs he was going to get, because after she finds out she'll probably never talk to him again, let alone hug him.

Hazel broke the hug. "I gotta go, but I'll see you later." She gave him a kiss on the cheek, then made her way to the door.

Carlos thought about telling her now. "Hazel, wait... I need to tell you something."

Hazel stopped in her tracks and turned around. "Hm?"

Carlos opened his mouth to talk then quickly closed it. He shook his head. "Never mind." Maybe he'll tell her over text.

Hazel nodded then ran out the door. She was in a rush.

After the door closed, Carlos peeked his head through the door to make sure she was actually gone. Which she was, so he started practicing how he was going to tell her.

He stood in the bathroom mirror for about 10 minutes practicing, until he realized he couldn't tell her in person.

"Maybe I'll write her a note and slide it under the door." He suggested to himself. "Or text..." he walked out the bathroom and grabbed his phone off his bed. He went to messages and opened up him and hazel's messages which were blank. They never texted eachother.

He read as he typed, "I'm so sorry...." he paused. Then, went back to typing. "I gave you a cookie with a love spell in it and now you're in love with me."

He stared at the text, thinking about pressing the send button. He shook his head then deleted it.

He threw his phone back on the bed. It hit dude, waking him out of his slumber. He yelped.

Carlos ran to dude and started petting him. "I'm sorry dude, I didn't mean to hit you."

Carlos grabbed his phone and threw it at the door.

Just his luck, Jay was coming in and it hit him.

"Dude, with hell." Jay cursed, rubbing his head.

"Sorry I didn't know you were coming in." Carlos apologized, still petting dude.

Jay rolled his eyes.

"Any idea on where your gonna take Hazel for you guy's date?" Jay asked, he walked to the tv and started playing some game.

Carlos shook his head. "Nope."

"Better hurry and find a place, you've got til tomorrow."

Carlos groaned, "Can you help me?"

Jay paused the game to look back at Carlos and give him a weird look. "Help you take Hazel on a date?"

"No..... Help me find a place to take Hazel and that." Carlos replied.

Jay chuckled. "You never took someone on date before?"

Carlos put his head down and shook his head. "I've never had a girlfriend til now. And now barely counts..... since I...... you know......." he trailed off.

"Wow, there's so much I have to teach you." Jay shook his head. Jay turned the tv off and made his way out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Same place you're going. Come on."

Carlos picked up dude from his lap and sat him on his bed. "I'll be back." He said to the dog before following Jay.

They went to the forrest.

"Why are we here again?" Carlos asked, looking at the colorful trees.

"Here. You guys can gave a fancy picnic here for you guy's date. Girls love stuff like this." Jay said.

"How many dates have you been on?" Carlos asked.

Jay turned to look at him. "Too many to count."

This story is all over the place And also rewrote some of the chapters because they're horrible, nothing really changed so you don't have to go reread them unless you want to

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This story is all over the place
And also rewrote some of the chapters because they're horrible, nothing really changed so you don't have to go reread them unless you want to. There's minor changes.

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