Chapter Ten (Part Two)

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Earlier the day

I opened the door to my dorm and walked out, leaving Carlos, Jay, Mal, and Evie in there. I was going on a walk, to blow some steam, I guess.

When I went five dorms down I heard someone calling my name.

I turned to see Mal.

"Hazel!" She exclaimed. She closed the door behind her and started walking to me.


"Thanks." She stared at her feet.

"Wow." This is like the first time she said something to me that wasn't an insult. "What exactly are you thanking me for?"

"For sticking up for me."

Ah. It wasn't exactly for you it for villain kids but you are a vk so yeah I guess. "You're welcome."
Before she could say anything else I turned around and walked away.

After an hour of exploring the campus I returned back to my dorm. I didn't go in yet I just stood behind the door. I don't know why but I put my head to the door.

"I think the spell is already undone." I heard Mal say. "Ben said he knew I put a spell on him. It must have wore off over certain amount time. So maybe Maybe Hazel's love spell wore off."

"Could we make sure just in case?" Carlos asked. "I can't talk to her, knowing I basically drugged her."

Wow.... so Willow was right. He spelled me.

3rd person

Later that day, Hazel lied in bed, thinking about how Carlos put a spell on her. She couldn't focus. He spelled her, and Evie knew about it. So did Jay and Mal made the spell. Everything was starting to make sense to her now.

She stood at Carlos' door, debating on if she should go in or not. It was 6 a.m. he's probably still sleeping. But who cares, right. He didn't care about her feelings when he spelled her.

Hazel took the key that Carlos gave her a few days ago from her pocket and put it into the doorknob. She twisted and pushed the door open.

"Hazel?" Carlos called out. He was sleeping, the sound of the door opening woke him. He's a very light sleeper Jay on the other hand, was still sleeping.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked, harshly. She was going to talk to him whether he said yes or no. He nodded and sat up.

"S-sure, what's up?" He rubbed his eyes.

"You spelled me." She said, calmly.

"Huh?" Carlos thought because he was still half sleep he was hearing things but Nope.

"You spelled me." She closed her eyes to keep tears from falling from them. "Remove it!" She screamed.

"I'm sorry, give me a second." He said before walking into the bathroom.

"What?" Hazel rolled eyes. She flipped the light switch so she could see. As soon as the room went bright Hazel closed her eyes, she was used to the darkness.

About two minutes later Carlos returned—now fully awake. "Now what were you saying?" He asked, smiling.

"You lied." Hazel walked closer. "Yesterday I asked you something and you lied and had the nerve to get offended as if you were falsely accused. You put a love spell on me." The calmness in her voice was now gone. Her tone was thick, full of anger.

"Hazel, I-I wanted to tell you and remove it but—"

"—But you didn't," she was now sobbing.

"I know Hazel, let me explain."

"No need for that, just remove it." she wiped her tears.

Carlos just stared "I don't know how."

Hazel let out a laugh. Her gaze trailed from Carlos to the remote controller that sat on the counter. She grabbed and threw it at him. Carlos' eyes widen, he quickly ducked down, causing the controlled to hit the wall instead. The wall made a huge boom sound.

Jay was now awake. "Carlos, what are you doing?" He groaned, his voice was groggily. He put the cover over his head to stop the bright lights from hurting his eyes.

Carlos stood up straight and looked back at the wall, it now had a dent.

When Jay didn't get a response he remove the cover from over his head and opened his eyes. "Hazel?"

In the blink of an eye another object was thrown at Carlos, this time it was Jay's backpack.

Jay's eyes widened when he saw his bookbag fly across room. "Hazel!" He exclaimed. He jumped up and stopped her from grabbing another object.

He grabbed the lamp from out of her hand and set it back on his nightstand. "What's going on?"

☆☆Normal time☆☆ Hazel's pov

"Hazel," I heard a familiar voice call.

I turned around and saw Chase.

I frowned.

He put his hands up in defense. "Look I know I'm like one out of twenty people you don't want to see right now, but—" he paused.

"But what?"

"I saw you walking here during 3rd period and brought you your homework." He took his bookbag from off his shoulder and unzipped it, took out a bright yellow folder and handed to me. "It has all seven of your classes' work in it."

"You're only in one out of my seven classes how did you—"

He grinned. "I have my ways."

"And I have something else for you." He sat down next to me on the log I was sitting on. He pulled out red Roses.

"I don't want your flowers."

"Fine," he put them back into his bag.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry about my brother yesterday. And the flowers weren't from me they're from Willow she wanted me to tell you she's sorry."

"She couldn't do it herself?"

"She wanted to, but she couldn't find you."

I nodded. "I accept your apology."

He smiled,"Can I get a hug." He opened his arm.

I shook my head. He frowned and I laughed. "You can get a pat on the head, though."

"I'll take what I can get."

I stood up and patted his head three time then I sat back down.

"Are you going to the correlation?"

"Don't we all have to go? By force?" I asked.

He nodded, "yeah that was a stupid question." He blushed, "sorry."

A/N: this part was so rushed

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A/N: this part was so rushed.
I'm thinking about restarting the whole book.

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