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        Everyone keeps asking for my help, even the sergent. Everyone says, that I'm the best at everything, which I'm surprised at, because it just seems that everything too easy.I especially like the equipment they give us. It's fun to fly in the air. I feel powerful when I slash the fake titan's neck. It's fun. I think the only thing I lack in, is being social. It's so hard to talk to people. Because they start a conversation and then when I talk, I feel like I'm either taliking to much or too little. Joy fits in easily, the only thing she had diffuculty in is taking tests. But otherwise she's freat in everything else. Maddie's been the only close friend I've had. Everyone but Joy and Maddie now my name so they call me bob haircut or shortie. People keep getting surprise when I tell them my age. When they ask me though, it reminds me of Levi and Isabel and Furlan. When I think of them, I think of Joy and wonder if she remebers them. But then I push that thought away, because of course she wasn't going to remeber them, she was 2. I get sad when I think of them. And I know I shouldn't because it's not like it was their job to take care of me and Joy. But I just can't help it. I smack myself mentally. And sigh as I keep thinking about this.

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