[I Love You] Calculester Hewlett-Packard

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- Calculester is trying to figure out emotions, and whenever he finds them, he gets excited about it.

- You're a huge source of new emotions for him, since when you're around, he's hyper-aware of how he's acting.

- When you helped him find 'love' he got so excited, he overheated.

- He's ridiculously excitable when he's emotional.


Nurseries brought a lot of joy to Calculester. Sometimes, _______ would take Calculester on dates there, and they'd spend hours looking for a new plant. Calculester was indecisive, part of the problem being that he was struggling to identify what makes one plant 'better' than another. ______ ended up picking one for him, and they'd always pick one he liked anyways since there weren't any he didn't like.

However, this time, ______ was determined to help Calculester make his own decision on plants.

They thought that maybe one of the bigger problems with the entire situation was that they needed to explain more clearly to Calculester how making a decision usually works. However, every time they had tried before, Calculester had gone into the semantics of a plant instead of what he liked about it.

They were an hour into looking around, consistently circling the store and ending up at the same place again and again. All they had been able to decide was that Calculester liked succulents better than other kinds of plants because they were easy to take care of and put less stress on him when trying to take care of an organic life. "Okay, Cal, which of the plants we've seen so far draw your attention in the most?"

"I'm not sure," Calculester responded, a puzzled image on his monitor. "Maybe we should circle around again?"

_______ sighed, shaking their head. "I don't know if that's going to help. Unless you know which qualities you like more, we're not going to be able to find anything. Think about this: what kind of plants spark joy for you?"

"Spark joy?" Calculester asked. "I'm not sure I understands how to spark joy, but I understand the concept. Can you give an example?"

"Well, when I'm around you, you spark joy," ______ smiled at Calculester. "It's a sensation that makes you elated, and something you can look forward to. When something sparks joy, you usually want to be around it more, or you might love it and want it around you, so it keeps sparking joy."

Calculester was familiar with joy, he felt it around _______ all the time. Whenever he was around them, he felt like he was getting a better grasp of what it meant to be alive. What it meant to have emotions just like everyone else. He wanted to spend as much time around them as possible, because they kept sparking joy for him. Is that what love is? he asked himself, and he went back into his memories, noticing a pattern to every joy spike.

The pattern was that _______ was there almost every time. They undeniably and infallibly sparked joy.

"EMOTION FOUND: Love." Calculester announced with a smile on his monitor, turning to ______. "You helped me find it, _______. I love you, and I want to stay around you so I can keep sparking joy and be happy."

_______ was taken aback at the sudden confession. They hinted at it, but Calculester was declaring it without fear. "I love you too," ______ responded. "Do you think you can use that new emotion to find a plant?"

Calculester looked around. "Let's circle around again."

Should've guessed that.

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