[Jealousy] Zoe

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-          Zoe doesn't really deal with jealousy head-on. She's non-confrontational.

-          However, she will kind of make her discomfort obvious by taking you by the arm and removing you from the situation.

-          As soon as you're just hers, she showers you in all the affection she can muster.


Comic-Con was the event of the year for Zoe. Nothing could compare. If anyone thought getting to take her to prom was a challenge, she had even higher standards for the people she took to comic-con. ______ filled all of the boxes (but let's be honest, when it came to anything, ______ would fill the boxes).

Zoe thought about throwing a cosplay together last minute, but she decided that seeing all the really fucking good cosplayers was better than trying to pull off a half-assed one herself. Instead, she sported her nerdiest outfit and even picked something out for _______ to wear to: a shirt from the anime that Zoe had convinced them to watch. It was actually one of Zoe's shirts, but it fit ______ way better.

Zoe and ______ were at one of the artist booths, and Zoe wanted to commission a portrait of the two of them by one of her favorite web-comic artists, so they were sat in a char for a while as the artist started sketching out details. She assured them that once she got started, she planned to be done in an hour. Faster than she usually did, but she would clean it up at home and send a more polished version to Zoe via email. Zoe couldn't be happier; this was turning out to be an amazing day!

Suddenly, ______'s attention was turned by a cosplayer who was dressed up as the character on their shirt! What were the odds of that? I mean, the odds were high since this was comic-con, but that was besides the point. ______ smiled and bumped Zoe, nodding to the cosplayer. "Look!" they said happily.

This simple action grabbed the attention of the cosplayer, who turned to the two of them with a smile. "Hey, nice shirt!" they said with a smile. "You have a great taste in anime."

"Your cosplay is amazing," ______ complimented them, fawning over the outfit. "Seriously, where did you get those boots? They look exactly like the ones in the show!"

Suddenly, Zoe didn't hear anything but murmurs. She was in a world of her own, suddenly envious of the cosplayer. Their outfit was amazing, admittingly, and she knew they were just being friendly and talkative, but Zoe couldn't help the feeling rising up in her. It hurt to see ______ look at someone else with that much adoration in their eyes, even if it was justified. Zoe turned to the artist she commissioned. "You have my email, right? Are we good to go?"

"Yeah, go ahead," the artist smiled at them. "If you want to come back and see the progress, feel free to, but I'll send you the finished version either tonight or by Sunday night."

"Perfect," Zoe at her, then grabbed ______ by the arm, suddenly grabbing their attention. "Hey love! I just remembered that there's a really cool booth we didn't get to and I told myself we'd get back to it but totally blanked out until now. Want to head over?"

"Sure!" ______ smiled at Zoe, not even realizing the diversion. They turned back to the cosplayer. "It was really great meeting you; I hope you have a good day!"

Before ______ could hear their response, Zoe was excitedly rushing to the booth in mind, looking at all the pins and plushies they had skipped before. "Look at this cutie!" Zoe said, picking up a plush of a demon cat. "It's adorable, just like you. I'm going to buy it for you!" she declared, leaning over and kissing ______ on the cheek.

"You don't have to," ______ assured her. Zoe had already paid for the tickets in, which cost much more than ______ expected, and paid for their portrait to get done.

"I know, but I want to," Zoe assured them, handing them the plush. It was soft to the touch. Zoe leaned over and planted a kiss right on their lips, causing a blush to rise to ______'s face with the sudden PDA. Luckily, this booth wasn't as popular as the other ones. "I like buying you nice things. Besides, if you hold it at night and think of me, that makes it even more worth it than ever before."

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