Chapter Nine

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For the next few days Asa had been non stop at the hospital, being one of the medical nin's that was helping with training. The woman had barely been home, she would make it home late at night after her long shifts. Today had been an early day for the blond as she ran all the way home.

Asa had made it to the house, opening the door she heard nothing but silence. It made Asa curious on why it was very silent, but as she walked deeper into the house she heard noises from the backyard. The Namikaze made her way to the sliding door, to see Iruka and Naruto practicing together. This made the woman smile, seeing her boyfriend and nephew training together.

"Hi boys," Asa called out getting their attention.

"Asa!" yelled Naruto as he went running into her open arms. Asa chuckled as she hugged the preteen, then watched as Iruka walked closer to them. He took his girlfriend into his arms while kissing her forehead.

"Early day?" He asked looking at the woman with raised eye brows. Asa giggled at the man in front of her, his face covered in sweat with his pony tail slightly falling down.

"Yes sweaty," Asa answered still giggling. Iruka smiled, nuzzling his face into her neck, rubbing the sweat onto the girl he held on to.

"Grossss," whined Naruto as he watched his aunt and Sensei. This made the pair laugh as Asa looked at the blond boy.

"So who's team were you put into, Naruto?" Asa asked looking at the boy. Naruto smiled up at the woman, adjusting his headband a bit.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Shouted the boy as the three sat down. Naruto then began to explain how the next day he had to show at 7am for a test and to not eat breakfast and that his team had passed the test. He then went on about how annoying Sasuke was and how much he wanted to beat the Uchiha, Asa would giggle at his determination. Then he went on about a girl, the pink haired teammate, Sakura. He then said how there would be an escort mission that he was to arrive for the next morning. This lasted for twenty more minutes before Asa got up.

"Well why don't we celebrate for you getting into a team. Let's get some ramen. I'll pay, I know I haven't been home much lately," Asa told the pair as she stood to her feet. Naruto jumped up running into the house before the pair. Iruka chuckled as they followed Naruto to the front door. The three of them headed to the ramen shop, Naruto yelling all the way as Iruka and Asa walked behind hand in hand.

This felt right to the two, like this is how it was supposed to be. Asa wished her brother as here, she wished that Minato could see how happy she was and how much Naruto was loved. Minato wished his sister and son would be happy, even with him gone. Asa was happy, but she missed the one other person who cared for her.

After that night Naruto left for his mission. Asa remembered walking the boy to the gates, wishing him good luck. After she left the village gates, Asa walked to the hospital for her shift. The girl smiled at all of the other medical nin's as she made her way through. She grabbed her board and looked through, helping the patients.

It was half way through the day as Asa ran from one side of the hospital after being called for. As she ran, passing patients and other workers, she made it to the front where the reception desk sat. Iruka held two boxes in his hand and a smile on his face.

"I brought lunch. Let's eat outside," the Leaf ninja smiled. Asa smiled back at her boyfriend and with a nod of her head, she pulled the man with her. The two walked outside and towards a bench, sitting down and eating in silence.

"So," Iruka started looking up from his food, "I bought flowers today to put them at the stone. I figured you wanted to put some out for your brother."

Asa started down at her food, losing her appetite right away. The girl was silence, not wanting to speak of this topic. When Iruka brought up this topic as always she would go silent and not speak for the next few hours. He knew not to bring it up, he knew to just buy the flowers and she would go herself as always. Or get someone, when Naruto was young, to watch him as Iruka and herself went to the stone.

"Okay... I'll go. Maybe where Naruto is gone on a mission you and I can go together..." Asa trailed off looking up at the man beside her. Iruka gave a small smile to the woman he had fallen in love with. Asa gave a weak smile before looking down at her half eaten food.

"Of course. I got flowers for my parents as well," Iruka was now talking to himself. Asa always listened to him as he spoke.

"My break must be over," Asa said standing, "I'll be home in another hour, I have a short day." Asa bid her god, kissing Iruka on the cheek as she left her lunch with him. Iruka watched the woman leave, her demeanor was saddened, she didn't have the spring in her step as always.

Asa felt his eyes on her, she knew that her mood changed majorly. She needed to get into a better mood, Asa knew how her mood would always effect Iruka. They were close when they were younger, always feeding off the other's energy. They would get into trouble with each other, but when Iruka needed someone, Asa was there. They were each other's rock. The weight to hold the other down.

Asa sighed, closing her eyes for a minute as she walked into the hospital. Then putting a smile onto her face as walked to her next patient, helping them then to the others before filing paper work. The rest of the girls day was spent at the reception desk.

All day Asa thought of her brother, hoping that she was making him proud. Hoping that doing what she set out to do was something he would be proud about. Thoughts of him and Kushina ran through her brain. The times they spent, when Asa met Minato squad. When she told her older brother about her closest friend. She wished that he was here, that she could tell him how proud of Naruto she was.

Later that day, as the sun was setting Asa sat in front of the stone. Flowers that Iruka had picked out in her hand, tears running down the girls face. Iruka stood behind his girlfriend, watching her shoulder shake as she cried. He understood the pain she felt, they lost the closest people to them.

Asa set the flowers down, taking a shaky breath as she got ready to speak. Thinking of what she wanted to say, of what she needed to say in hopes that Minato and Kushina were listening.

"You... You guys would be so proud. Naruto... He's a Genin now, a ninja. I'm so proud to be his aunt..." she trailed choking on tears, "He is on his first mission out of the village. Naruto was so happy this morning he ran into my and Iruka's room jumping on us." This caused them both to laugh. Asa looked up at Iruka it see he had tears as well. The man then sat by Asa, pulling her into his arms as she now cried into his chest.

"Minato... You would be proud of your boy like I am. I'm proud to have been his sensei. I'm proud of your sister, she needs to know that. She's a wonderful medical ninja, one of the best," Iruka looked down at the girl as she stared at the stone, "I'm proud to call her mine."

Asa looked up at Iruka, eyes wide as she looked at the man. Iruka smiled at her, knowing that this felt weird for the both of them. Having a crush in her most of his life, he couldn't believe it either. Asa lifted herself put more, placing her lips on Iruka's as she kissed him. It was a quick and simple peck as she pulled away and smiled at the man.

"I think he's proud of all of us," Asa smiled. She threw her arms around the man neck, hugging Iruka to her. The two then got up, leaving the stone behind as they walked home together, hand in hand.

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