Chapter Fifteen

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Iruka had gotten up before Asa that morning. He got Naruto up, feeding the boy and having him change before waking up Asa. When she opened her eyes Iruka stood above her with a smile.

"Good morning. I have your kimono on the bed for you. When your ready we'll leave," Iruka said kissing the woman's forehead. Asa nodded while getting up, she wasted no time in getting ready. The woman wanted this day to be over. Once dressed Asa walked from the bedroom, going towards the front door where she saw Iruka and Naruto waiting.

"I'm ready," the woman said barely above a whisper. Iruka gave a nod to the two, he opened the door letting Naruto walk out then Asa. Iruka locked the door on his way out, turning around to see Asa and Naruto waiting for him.

Iruka took Asa's hand as the two walked together to the cemetery where all everyone would be. The sky was turning dark, Asa looked up to see to that it was going to rain. Naruto had run off to meet up with team 7, leaving Iruka and Asa by themselves to walk.

When they got there, everyone stood in line. At the front was the six shinobi that were killed along with the Hokage's picture lined up. The two elders stood in front of the pictures. Konohamaru stood near Asa and Iruka. The woman looked up at the sky as it started raining. The service started with the elders speaking.

Asa looked to Konohamaru as he cried, Iruka walked forward a little going to put his hand on the child. Both of them had experience this. The pain in losing someone. The Hokage was there for Asa when her brother died, when the blond would sit in front of the stone to visit her brother the Hokage would come with Asa as she cried he would hold onto her. The old man was like a grandfather to the woman, someone she depended on.

Iruka held onto Konohamaru as he cried, as watched as the boy broke down. Naruto stared at the two as Asa did. This broke the girls heart, watching the boy cry. When Iruka stood up, Asa bent down, pulling Konohamaru into her arms.

"We will all miss him," she whispered.

"Iruka sensei. Why do people do it, why do they risk their lives for other people?" Naruto questioned.

"Well, when someone passes away its the end. His past and future he once had, they disappear along with him. This is true even if he dies honorably in battle. All that his has, all his ties are the people. Parents, siblings, friends, lovers, the people that are important to him, these people that are left behind are joined together in a great circle with their shared memories of him. A circle of friendship, trust and sacrifice that grows larger and stronger as time passes. It's hard to explain, we remain in the circle together we have no choice. It's important to us," Iruka explained. Asa now kneeled by Konohamaru with Iruka, both had their hands on the boys shoulder.

"Hm. So we do it because we have to. I get it," Naruto said looking up. As the service was ending, everyone laid the flowers in front of the pictures of the fallen. Asa walked back to her place, the service ending and the sky cleared. Asa looked up to see the clouds rolling away. A smile found its way to her face, a gloomy day turning better. The sun was now out and shining. Asa and Iruka stood side by side as Naruto turned around with a smile.

"By Iruka sensei, Asa," Naruto yelled waving as he ran towards team 7. Asa smiled at the boy as he ran off. Iruka held a smile as well watching Naruto run, then turning to see Asa now held a smile on her face.

"Let's go to the stone," Iruka said grabbing Asa hand. They took off towards the stone where the fallen shinobi's names were written. It was where Iruka's parents names were written after they died.

After their visit to the stone Asa and Iruka went back home. The woman laid on their bed, staring at the ceiling. Iruka had run to buy them groceries, so Asa was alone. She needed to do somethings, the woman had gotten the idea to clean. Asa got up, starting in their room, picking up all the dirty clothing so she could wash them.

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