Chapter Twenty- Two

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War had been declared. Asa knew that, even if it was a rumor for now. The woman had seen all of the Jonins running around, preparing in a way. Asa had questioned Iruka to see if he knew anything, but the man had no knowledge. So, as the woman walked, one hand on her back the other rest on her stomach. She wasn't showing much, just a small bump at this point.

The woman found who she was looking for, the teen sat with his friend eating. Asa walked to the planks of wood they sat on, looking up at the lazy kid leaning back. Choji looked down at the Namikaze with a questioning look.

"Hello boys," the woman called. She looked up with a smile at the two teens. Shikamaru looked down at the person Choji was staring at.

"Asa?" The Nara teen questioned.

"Hi Shikamaru. I have a question," the woman spoke. Shikamaru looked to Choji before jumping down to the blond.

"Your smart. I know because of your father, you've been with the other jonins. So tell me, are we really going to war," Asa leaned closer to the teen. Shikamaru sighed, putting his arms behind his head.

"Yes..." the Nara looked down. Asa knew it wasn't a rumor, the woman sighed. She needed time to think, time alone. She wouldn't be apart of that fight and the woman knew better than to argue with Iruka on that. Asa nodded her head as she turned her body.

"Thank you," the woman said before walking off leaving the two teens confused. Asa walked back to the house she now lived in. Most houses were done by now, Asa and Iruka had their own place with two rooms. Naruto lived in an apartment on his own, the woman expressed her dislike, telling the teen that she wanted him in their home. Naruto argued with the woman, telling her they needed the space.

Asa opened the door of the house, it was bare for the most part that was until they were able to get new furniture. Asa walked into the room where the two had set up. A mat laid on the ground in place of a bed, a picture in the frame by the head where Asa would sleep. Years before the Pain attack Asa had made copies of the pictures storing them into scrolls for safe keeping. This was something the woman had done for years, she was afraid of losing or ruining the photos so when the attack happened she was glad they sat in a scroll in her kunai pouch.

Asa sat down on the mat, wrapping the blank over her legs. The woman had felt tired and figured a nap would do her. She looked over at the picture, it was one of her, Naruto and Iruka. Naruto was still a baby, about a year when the picture was taken. Asa smiled at the picture, it was simpler times back then, no threat of war. Asa yawned, laying back onto the mat and closing her eyes as she drifted off.
Iruka has walked into the house hours later looking for Asa. The man had seen her shoes by the front door when he took off his. As Iruka walked through the empty kitchen and living room to find she wasn't there he walked into their bedroom to find the woman fast asleep with the picture facing her. He smiled to himself, kneeling down, holding his hand out to her.

Iruka was pondering weather to wake her because he knew when night time came she would be up. As the male went to shake the woman from sleeping, a knock sounded on the door. Iruka pulled his hand away and walked towards their entrance way.

The male Umino opened the door to see Naruto and Yamato standing in the door way with a grin. Iruka smiled back, moving out of the way to let the teen and man in.

"Hey Iruka Sensei, is Asa here?" The male teen questioned. Iruka looked from Naruto to Yamato with a questioning gaze.

"She's sleeping right now," Iruka answered.

"Oh let her sleep," the wood style user told. Iruka smiled with kindness in his eyes, the man had known that her sleeping was off. Iruka had talked with Kakashi about it and he assumed the silver haired man told Yamato.

"Oh... Well Captain Yamato and I are going on a mission. I just wanted to let her know so she wouldn't worry," Naruto explained. Iruka let out a chuckle, the woman was so easy to read.

"I think she will still worry no matter what," replied Iruka. Both laughed together knowing it was true.

"Where are you going?" asked a female voice. This stopped the two males from laughing and make all three look at the woman. Asa stood in the door way, staring at all three men.

Iruka walked closer to the woman, only for her to brush him off and walk straight for Naruto. Her small bump was showing through the blue crop top she wore. Lately around the house Asa wore her ninja shirt, most of the other clothing she had wasn't fitting right.

"Asa..." trailed Iruka as he stood behind the woman. Sh had a look of hurt on her face, not from the joking about her worrying but from Naruto possibly leaving the village. Naruto frowned at the pouting woman.

"I have to go. I was called on a mission," Naruto told the woman. She sighed, hands on her hips.

"I understand... It's just..." the blond trailed. She didn't know what to say to the teen, she was afraid to lose her family.

"I'll be back before you know it!" The teen said excitedly. Naruto's hand behind his head as he smiled with closed eyes, Asa couldn't help but grin back.

"Be safe. I don't want to lose you," Asa pointed. Naruto chuckled at the woman before wrapping his arms around her. Asa laughed as well as she hugged the teen back.

"I will Asa. I have to see my cousin after all," the male teen whispered. Asa pulled away, stepping back to stand by Iruka, who put his hand behind her back. Asa and Iruka stared at the boy with pride. He was turning out to be a wonderful shinobi like his parents wanted.

"We have to go," Yamato said getting the teens attention.

"Okay," replies the teen as he moved forward again. He grabbed both adults into a hug before releasing them and turning away.

"Bye Naruto," they said in sync. The teen turned his head to see both adults waving their hand with a closed eye smile. Naruto smiled as well, he felt happy to feel the love they gave him. The love of a family he felt.

Namikaze -Iruka Umino-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant