Chapter Twenty- Eight

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Asa stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, the white kimono was tight on her body. The bump of the baby showing more. Asa stared at her reflection, her pale face made with make up. Her hair was braided behind her, Asa's blond hair was growing longer since the war started.

Sakura moved beside the woman after tying her hair, the younger woman smiled up at the Namikaze. Asa turned to the pink haired female, a smile on her painted lips.

"Thank you Sakura," the woman rested a hand on the girl's shoulder. Asa leaned forward, kissing the girl's cheek then giving her a hug.

"Your welcome Asa," Sakura giggled. The two women laughed, pulling away from their embrace as the door opened and Iruka walked in. The man smiled at the two females, he watched as Asa turned towards him with her large grin.

"I'll leave," whispered Sakura as she walked from the room. Asa gave a nod to the girl as she passed. Once Sakura left, leaving the two alone in the room. Asa looked up to Iruka, silence between the two of them as they stared into each others eyes.

"Ready?" Iruka finally spoke up. Asa nodded with a closed eye smile.

Iruka took the woman's hand, both leaving their bedroom and walking to their backyard. Asa arranged the back yard with Iruka's help into a small ceremony for them. Sakura and Naruto stood in front fo the small bed of flowers she had planted.

Kakashi stood on at the end between the two young adults, Konohmaru standing next to Kakashi. Iruka and Asa walked forward hand and hand, walked to stand in front of the two. Iruka moved his other hand to take Asa's, they both stood in front of the other.

They started the ceremony, saying their vows as Kakashi was to marry them. After their vows, Iruka leaned forwards, pressing his lips to hers. Asa pulled away, tears welling up as she wished her brother was here. Looking to Naruto, the last piece of her brother, she was glad that the boy was still around.

Asa moved to Naruto, passing Iruka and pulling the young man into a hug. The male stood taller than her, he looked down at the woman. Asa turned to the young boy who then hugged the woman, Asa wrapped her arms around the boy.

"Congrats big sister Asa!" cheered the boy. Asa laughed, kissing the boys head. Sakura walked from the house with Kakashi, who placed some food that Asa had made that day. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow onto the back yard.


~ Months later~

Asa laid in the hospital bed, her head leaned back as she heard the cries of a baby. She had spent hours in the hospital when her water broke that morning. Asa stared up at the ceiling, she felt too weak to move.

Her hand was clasped in Iruka's as the male looked down at his wife. A smile spread across her face as their baby cried. Then a shooting pain erupted. A scream let out from Asa mouth as she gripped harder onto Iruka's hand, making the man drop a little. 

"There's another one! Push!" shouted Sakura. Asa did as the medical ninja said, pushing just like the first baby. After three more times there was another set of crying. Asa breathed out, gaining the strength to lift her head up, moving her body back into a sitting position.

Sakura walked over to Iruka, who now sat on the bed by Asa, and handed the children over to their parents. Asa held a small baby with little blond hairs, as Iruka held the other child with little brown hair. 

"You have a boy," Sakura look to Iruka, then turned to Asa, "You have a daughter too."

Asa looked up to the girl to see a smile on her face, Asa smiled back then turning her gaze back to the babies. The little girl looking up at her mother with bright blue eyes. 

"Mina... For Minato," Asa stated. Iruka looked over at Asa as she stared lovingly at the baby in her arms, her eyes bright and shining.

"Ren," the male smiled naming the boy. Asa looked up from the baby to see Iruka was staring at her. She smiled, leaning her body more and kissing the males cheek. She turned back to the baby in his arms kissing the small child's head, then Mina's. 

Iruka blushed, looking back down at their child as he slept in the mans arms. Asa moved to lean back on the bed, exhaustion taking over as her mind was trying to let sleep in. Mina still in her arms, the baby sleeping peacefully. 

Iruka noticed the female's tiredness as she was laying back. Her eyes were slowly shutting as she looked to the wall across from Iruka. The male leaned towards her, kissing her head as Asa fell sleep. Iruka walked to the small cradle beds and setting Ren down, he then grabbed Mina from her mothers arms, setting the baby into the other bed. 

He smiled at the sleeping woman before sitting in the bed next to her, wrapping his arms around her waist as she moved closer to him. A smile on her face as she slept peacefully. Iruka closed his eyes, letting sleep take over, a peaceful and joyful feeling taking over. His family was complete. 

Namikaze -Iruka Umino-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu