Chapter Twenty-Three

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Weeks after Naruto had left to protect him Asa grew worried. The village was slowly being rebuilt, Asa helped as much as she could. But with the war being declared all the men were sent out, Iruka being one of them. 

They spent the last few days together. Iruka told Asa that he was being sent out to make sure Naruto wasn't to escape the Island. 

One of the days that Iruka was still home before leaving Asa walked into their bedroom. She saw Iruka bent over a desk writing. Asa walked closer to the man, she leaned over his should, placing her hands on his shoulders. 

"What's that?" the blond woman questioned. Iruka turned his head over his shoulder to see Asa glancing down at the paper. 

"It's for Naruto. I just have a feeling that he might want to go into the war," the man spoke. Asa sighed, she knew her nephew would try, he wanted to protect all of his friends. 

"I have the same feeling. I know he will do the right thing," Asa said placing a kiss to Iruka's cheek. The man sighed, he could see the hope and faith she had in the boy. It was the faith he saw she always had, the faith that Iruka believed in as well. 

Asa walked to the bed sitting down as she watched him write the letter. She gave the weakest smile, she knew he cared for the boy. They were and always had been a family. Asa held her hand to the bump that grew, they had finally gotten a bed and the woman was happy. It was getting harder for her to get up now that the bump was growing. 

Iruka stood up from the desk, walking over to the sitting woman and taking a seat by her. He rested his head on her shoulder, watching the bump on her stomach. He new that tomorrow he would be leaving for the Island. 

"Hold me?" Asa questioned. Iruka was taken back, the usually strong woman who could fight anyone showed her weakness. She was worried for the man she loved and her nephew. Both would be in the war and she knew there was nothing she could do. 


Asa had to fill her days, with Iruka and Naruto gone the woman spent time working on the house the two had. She filled shelves with pictures, spending time with Kurenai, or even bother Ebisu. The woman enjoyed visting the man, growing up she used to bother him, Iruka always thought it was funny and joined in when they were children. 

Now with all the capable ninja's left the village, it was now occupied by the women, children and older people. Asa sat with all the mothers in a large meeting hall, everyone was gathered around. Asa had been brought into the allied mothers force. Yoshino Nara, Mrs. Akimichi and Mrs. Yamanaka. 

Asa sat next to Yoshino, she watched as Ebsiu stood in front of everyone. 

"The Elite ninja from the Hidden Leaf have formed an alliance that is unprecedented in the five great Nations to fight this fourth great ninja war. The question before us now is the well being of our families in this turbulent times is how we will protect this village. But remember we are warriors too, in the past when there had been a great war our village has found itself short handed. In the past rouge warriors have come to our village like vultures! So all of us remained here should stand as one!" Ebisu had explained. 

"What are you babbling about. Sure we have incidents during war but every time we have just beaten the stuffing out of the attackers," Yoshino spoke. 

"You got that right. The Leaf moms association had been around for ages and it had us moms of the village," Sakura's mother stood as well. 

All the mothers started to stand up, voicing their opinions. 

"Ebisu, calm down. I'm sure we will be fine. We are all capable of protecting the village," Asa stood up. A calm look took over her face, Ebisu looked at the woman, he saw the same strong look she held even as a child.    

Ebisu tried to make a point, but everyone had shot him down. Asa shook her head as everyone broke out in shouts and talking. Asa looked to a defeated Ebisu, she walked closer setting a hand on his shoulder. 

"Everything will be okay," Asa smiled. Ebisu nodded to the woman. 

"You should probably go home," Ebisu commented. He had spoken to Iruka before the man left, agreeing to watch over the woman. She nodded knowing there was no way she could argue, the man could be hard headed.

Asa had left, going back home where she walked to the back yard and sat on the porch. The woman leaned back again the house wall. Asa closed her blue eyes, enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on her. 

"Big sister Asa!" screamed Konohamaru. Asa's eyes shot open as she looked up to see the boy and his two friends running outside from her house. She gave the trio a confused look. 

"Yes?" she questioned. 

"No one believe us about a danger coming!" cried the boy. 

"If a danger comes Konohamaru we will stop it. Have faith," Asa smiled to the boy. Konoahamaru nodded, he and his friends ran off, knowing that her words would help them in some way. 

Some time after the children had left Yoshino Nara ran into the woman's house. 

"There is something going on outside of the village. Come on," the woman called. Asa nodded, grabbing onto a staff she had hidden away in the house. The group of woman ran to the front of the village, even though she was a few month pregnant the woman still showed her fighting spirit. She would always be a ninja no matter what. 

All the woman in the village stood in front of the large men. Yoshino Nara shouted at the man, most of the mother held pans in their hands. Asa got into a fighting stance and started jabbing and smacking with her staff. 

Asa and all the woman fought, as the men started to escape. Konohamaru stood in their way as the large men started to escape. Asa watched as the boy made her brothers famous rasengan. She was proud of the boy. Naruto had taught him well. 

Asa had caught the last of the woman's conversation when Yoshino tapped on the young womans shoulder. 

"Why don't you join us. With Iruka gone you must be lonely," the female Nara pointed out. Asa smiled at the woman with a nod. 

"That would be wonderful. It's too quiet with him and Naruto gone," laughed the Namikaze. 

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