Chapter Twenty-Nine

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~ 3 years ~

Asa stood in the kitchen of her house, Iruka was heard rushing around as the woman turned to see her husband running to get his shoes on.

"Why the rush?" Asa questioned.

Iruka sighed, "I'm late."

Asa giggled walking over to the man standing in the door way. The female walked closer, wrapping her arms around Iruka's shoulders, getting onto her the tip of her toes and placing a kiss to his cheek.

Iruka smiled, hand on her waist as he looked into her bright blue eyes, the eyes he fell in love with. Asa smiled back, the grin that seemed to be the family trait, her eyes closed with the large grin with teeth showing.

"Daddy!" shouted a pair of little children. Iruka looked down to see Ren and Mina looking up at him with the same eyes as their mother.

"Ren. Mina," the man said bending down to their level, "Be good today for your mother." Both children nodded their heads.

Ren moved a little closer to his father, holding out a hair tie that Asa had given the boy when his hair grew out a little more. Iruka looked at the boy's out stretched hand, taking the tie. Iruka put his son's hair up like his, a smile on the boys face as he clapped his hands.

"I'm like daddy!" the boy cheered. Asa laughed, lowering to her knees and sitting down.

"You do look like your daddy," Asa commented. Iruka looked up from the boy's hair to see Asa was staring with loving eyes at the pair in front of her. He smiled, joy filling his heart knowing that he now had love in his life.

"Alright. I have to go," Iruka called standing to his feet. Asa stared up at the man, watching as he got his shoes on, both children holding onto the man's legs. Iruka laughed, hugging both children before leaving.

"Let's eat! Later we can give daddy his lunch," Asa told the children. Both little three year olds cheered as they raced to the kitchen in front of their mother. Asa giggled at how happy they were, she was glad this is a time of peace. They would have a life that she never got as a child.


Around noon that day, Asa held the bento box with Iruka's food as she walked with the two children holding onto the skirt of her dress. Konohamaru ran towards the woman, shouting her name, which had gotten Asa to turn her head around.

"Hello Konohamaru," the woman greet. Both children looked up at the boy with large eyes.

"Big brother!" the children cheered as they cling to the boy's legs.

"Hey Mina, Ren!" the boy greeted bending down to smile at the little children.

"Is everything okay?" Asa questioned looking to the young teen. Konohamaru looked up, holding the camera higher to show the woman.

"Big sister, can you record a message for Naruto's wedding?" the boy asked. Asa giggle, nodding her head as she face the boy with a closed eye smile.

"Of course Konohamaru," the Unimo woman agreed.

"Okay! Now, 3, 2, 1!" Konohamaru shouted as he faced the recorder to the woman's face. Asa had lifted both children into her arms and smiled to the camera.

"Hey Naruto, Hinata! Congrats! Hinata, please watch over my nephew, I know he can be dense, so he needs a strong woman like you! And Naruto, take care of Hinata, she's a sweet girl! I love you both!" Asa said with a smile. Both the children waved to the camera with smiles as Konohamaru ended the recording.

"When you see Iruka-sensei please tell him he needs to record his message," Konohamaru requested.

"Sure. But why may I ask?"

"He wants to think it over," called Konohamaru as he ran in the other direction. Asa laughed, setting the children down and grabbing onto the bento box.

"Let's go," called Asa as the children held onto her dress again. The trio started to walk again towards the academy. They weren't far and within a few moments they were walking in the halls.

Asa had gotten to Iruka's class to see the man standing in front of his desk looking at papers. The woman smiled, she enjoyed seeing him do what he enjoys. Both children cheered as they ran to their father. The man laughed looking up to the woman.

Asa walked over to the man, handing the box over with a smile on her face. Iruka kissed the females cheek, taking the box. Asa grabbed onto his arm, before the man could get far.

"Don't over think it. You've been there for Naruto, I know you'll think of something good," Asa smiled. Iruka's eyes wide, he assumed Konohamaru said something, but nodded his head anyways. Not long after dropping the food to Iruka, Asa left with the small children following her.

Later that evening, Asa had gotten the two children to sleep, as the woman walked into the kitchen washing the few dishes they had.

"Iruka, how come you can't think of anything to say?" Asa questioned her husband.

"Well... honestly I'm not sure. I mean, I've been there his whole life. So I guess if saying the message as a teacher doesn't sound right," the male answered. Asa hummed a response as she set the last dish down.

Walking over to Iruka and sitting next to him on her knees she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Asa presses her face into his cheek, with a smile on her face.

"Say what comes from the heart," she whispered standing to her feet, "it's late. I'm heading to bed." Asa walked to their bedroom, leaving Iruka to ponder his thoughts. Her words leaving him to finally think of something to say that felt right and came from the heart.

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