1: Gerard Way - Theatrical Extraordinaire and Drenched Rat

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Gerard was late, and it was fucking raining. He'd missed the bus and it was fucking raining, and he was totally going to get dropped from the play if he was late again and he was so fucking screwed, because they were doing Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, and by some unforeseen miracle he'd landed the main part of Viola... well Cesario, as she's referred to throughout the majority of the production, and honestly Gerard wasn't all that keen when he'd heard the only main part he'd managed to get in this damn theatre group was of a fucking crossdresser. 

For someone who was supposed to be in the closet, he was doing an awfully bad job of it.

Well, for the most part he's Cesario, a 'man', well Viola, dressed as a man, which is a rather difficult concept to get his head around and he's honestly stumped why they didn't get a girl to play this part; something about the fact that the character is predominantly male and for the ease of it, but Gerard couldn't really give the slightest of fucks as he stumbled over where he should be stressing more over the fact that he was late or the fact that he was going to have to wear a dress in front of an audience at some point in the near future.

Okay, he was a fucking drama student, perhaps that was to be expected, but from the looks of things, if he didn't get there fast enough, he very much doubted that he'd be a drama student for all that much longer. Lead role or not, crossdressing crossdresser or not.

Gerard pulled his hood up against the torrential rain; it did very little use in sheltering him, as he was already going to turn up to theatre not just late, but as a drenched rat, which he was sure would be an absolutely wonderful look for him. At least it gave him some sort of vaguely heterosexual alibi with which to fuss over his hair today, because by now the freshly dyed black locks were soaked, and if the dye started to leak, he swore he was going to cut a bitch, because he'd reckoned by now he'd rather wear a dress for the rest of his life than turn up with black hair dye running down his cheeks like some sort of Victorian chimney sweep.

He exhaled, perhaps in relief, or perhaps in dread as the tall building of the theatre came into view as he turned around the street corner, the skate park lying further down the road, and Gerard could help but let out a genuine groan of disappointment as he noted the place to be empty - devoid of life in the form of punk ass skater dickheads, or more importantly, Frank Iero; Gerard's favourite punk ass skater dickhead, that he was currently working on eternally denying to himself the crush he had on Frank, which totally didn't exist of course, but Frank was really cute.

Fuck. Frank was an asshole, because not only was he practically drop dead gorgeous, but heterosexual, and casually homophobic - not some sort of stuck up catholic 'gay is a sin' kind of asshole, but the kind of person that frequented words like faggot and expressions such as 'that's so gay', and Gerard knew if he was worse at anything than arriving on time it was falling for the right people.

Straight boys were assholes.

He sighed, pulling out his earbuds as he crossed the road towards the theatre, preparing himself for just how he'd get shouted at when he finally turned up, but he had technically missed the bus, and technically he could blame Mikey for this, because his mum still didn't trust his fifteen year old brother home alone and Gerard had to wait around for an extra fifteen minutes as she was stuck in traffic until she arrived home and could sufficiently supervise Mikey, of course, never offering to drive Gerard to theatre, and making him ten minutes late in the process.

So technically, he was late because his brother existed; Gerard couldn't help but think that wouldn't exactly go down all that well as an excuse, considering the fact Mikey was dating the younger sister of the fucking director, so he reckoned he'd have to take the entire blame here, which would of course, be wonderful.

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