Chapter 3

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Chars POV

I'm not smart I know that, but no one in the world could do these math problems. The girl next to me, Nikki, was the smartest in class but she hadn't done much.

When the bell finally rang, I ran out of class. I slid down the wall and but my foot up. I slip out my phone and start to write on wattpad.

Time skip to home.

I get home and walk in. My brother is there. I wave to him and he waves back. He motions me over and hands me a brand new pair of black headphones. I thank him and tell him I'm going out.

I walk to my room to put my red chains on the sides off my jeans. I grab my skateboard and go outside.

I skate into town and stop at the hair dye shop. I go in and get the my hair re dyed white with purple in. Once its done, I get a red streak, blue outlines on my hair(Blue hair that goes round. So the bottom, the fringe the top is all joined in blue.)

I thank the lady and go to the game store. I get some new games. Call of duty 5, Fifa 15 and fifa 14.

As I buy the games the lady looks at me strangely.

"These are boy games." She says. I nod.

"I like the games." She nods and stares at me. I get home and start to play the games.

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