Chapter 8

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Nichole's POV

I was partnered with Char for our science project. It wasn't like homework, it was to do in class. We had to create a drink, come up with a name for it, make a food and come up with a name for that. I don't know how it will work though.

The tubes were set up on our table, Miss. Goobenstine was pouring some liquids into our tubes. Blue, pink, orange, red and yellow.

We mixed the blue and pink together, making a purple. Then Char added some yellow to it, making it a wierd coulor that I cant describe. 

"I call it, the double PPY!" Char said then burst out laughing, making me laugh too. "Pee Pee, Y u do dis?" I said inbeetween leaughs, making the spurt of laughter last longer.

Mrs. Goobenstine coughed, getting everyone's attention.

"And now, I would like you to taste your drink." She announced. She gave us some glasses to put the drink in  and I poured in the drink equally in both.

"Cheers." I muttered sarcastically to Char as we clinked glasses. We both took a sip, and then two gulps, then it was gone.

I felt my eyesight getting blurry, everything around me seemed to move.

"Char..." I said, stumbling over to her.

"Nikki..." She said, falling down, and I soon joined her, knowing blackness will soon cave in.

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