chapter 17

14 1 4

Chars POV

We ran, we ran far. I raced over logs, never stopping until Lina, tripped and fell on a log. She hit her head on a different log and was knocked out. Evan picked her up and put her onto his back. He ran but was not as fast as us as we were in our hybrid form.

"Put her on my back!" Called Elisa, as Evan ran closer. He nodded and put her on her back.

We hit the main road and hid in some bushes. We turned normal and Evan retrieved Lina. I ran, knowing they would follow. Problem was, I didn't know where to go, or where we where.

"Nicole?" Lina shouted. I turned to notice Nicole was gone. I heard Nicole screaming and ran towards it. There she was, held in headlock position by a big, buff man. I stopped in a cover of leaves and listened.

"No please." Nicole was squirming.

"What did I say bout talking!" The man bellowed, slapping Nicole.

"Stop! Please. You-" Nicole was about to say but he cut her off.

"Shut up!'' The guy screeched, punching her in the stomachs, slapping her in the face and thumping her forehead.

"Stop it! I hate you Uncle Mario'' she screamed. My world began to turn to spots as my childhood memory flooded through. I had an uncle named Mario and he looked like him. Its a one in a billion chance but,

I think me and Nicole are Sisters...


Haha plot twist. Something to keep you up at night.

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