Chapter 18(i think)

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Nicole's POV

Uncle Mario ran with me under his arm, making me heave and wheeze as I couldn't breathe. He plopped me down by a tree and gave me a sock to the stomach. I wheezed more as my breath came out as little puffs.

I saw something move out of my eye and looked closer. Cat ears, chains. What I saw made me know who it was. Char. They came back for me. Uncle Mario grabbed me again, squishing me under his arm backwards this time. Char and the rest ran after me.

I tried to tell them to stop, to go away, but I guess they didn't get it.

We arrived at a dusty old place. The door had grime smeared across the knob, a broken wooden staircase with a broken rail. Yep, this was definitely Uncle Mario's.

Oh sorry, should probably explain who he is. Yea. When I was little my parents went out a lot, so they left me with uncle Mario. He abused me for years then when my parents found out, he ran away.

I never thought I would see him again. Now he's back for more, I'm ready. Everything leaves a mark, it will eventually heal. Don't forget that Nicole.

He came into the room, with a tick in his hand. I realised what it was too soon, and had already begun to back away. It was a metal stick, just been on a fire.

He placed it on my forehead, his over hand over my body. Boy I hated this.

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