Chapter 7

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~Char's POV~

Nicole entered the classroom on my tail, a split-second before the late bell went off. We were right on time. No detention for us!

We quickly found our seats and sat down. I looked at Nicole, who was already scribbling something down in her notebook. I looked over curiously and saw my name on the paper.


She tore the paper out of her notebook, gently folded it, and slid it across the long table down to me.

Char- Wait, you like my Minecraft folder???

I looked up at her and wiggled my eyebrows. She laughed.

"Okay class, today we'll be starting a science experiment on the Periodic Table! We'll be mixing different elements to see what results are possible! Your partners are posted up here on the board." Our teacher, Mr. Plisch, taped a medium-sized piece of paper to the chalkboard in the bottom corner.

We all rushed up to see whose name was written next to our own.

Char - Nicole

Yes! I kind of wanted to work with her all along. I didn't really know anyone else in the class, after all.

Maybe things were looking up, after all.

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