Chapter 19

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Char's POV

Running, running. That's all I could do. I needed to find Nicole. I didn't care if the others were following or not. She might be my long lost sister.

A thought crossed by mind, stopping me from running, it froze my body. What if she was dead?

I ran on, the question flowing in my mind. I climbed a tree and pawed my way through the bushes. A small grey building was there, reminding me of child hood. The times I was abused and hurt was scary. But, scared as I was, I was gonna save Nicole!

Running was never something I was good at as a child. I always puff and pant, so other kids laughed at me. Eventually I gave up, until highschool. I tried for a race and won. I guess it was always there, buried beneath the bad memories and scars.

I branch whacked by face and I looked up wondering how a branch could be that low that a cat could hit it. I sighed and continued towards the house with all had memories in. I stalked up to it and then heard rustling.

I hissed.

"Relax Char. Its just us." Evan's voice came from behind a bush. They all gathered around me as we tried to think of a plan.

"I got it!" Cath finally announced.

"Got what?" Asked Elisa

"A plan Dumbo. What did you think?" Evan replied.

"I don,t know. It could be a desiese for all I know!" Elisa back chatted.

"Guys, Guys! Listen to Cath!'' Said Lina, now conscious.

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