Chapter 10

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Nichole POV

I sighed, wondering if what we mixed in class was legal or illegal. Either way I'm a wolf hybrid and Char's a cat hybrid.

Sometimes, I wonder what goes on in Char's mind. Are you thinking dirty things? Well don't you lit-(Okay OK Nikki, stop there, jeez).

The mad man left and I sighed. He left four bowls out. Two with food, and another two with water. On the bowls in big thick red writing it either said Wolf of Cat. I dragged my food and water over and curled up, feeling hairs grow on me, I knew I was turning into a wolf. The soft fur felt nice when you curled up, it kept you warm.

I put my long tongue in the water and formed a bucket shape with it and lapped the water up, leaving some for later. I was surprised at how fast I could do that. I ate some more food before curling up. During the night, I heard soft, cat-like footsteps. Knowing it was Char, I looked up confused. Her eyes where a vibrant blue, but stained with tears.

"I'm freezing. Please." She said, asking if she could take my warmth. I nodded and she went behind me, wrapping her arms round me. Her paws came to my face and I smiled, despite what was happening.

I woke up in the morning to see the mad man cackling while sat on a chair. I growled lowly, enough to was,e up the sleeping cat behind me, also known as Char. Char formed back into human, her clothes and chains hung In the right places.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Right now, I just want my brother." Char screamed at the mad man, only mumbling the last part. His cackling stopped and he turned to Char.

"You mean this brother?" He asked pulling back a curtain to reveal Chars brother. "ADAM!" She screamed, but then slouched down and turned around becoming a cat again. Adam looked in shock as she curled up in a corner. I sighed, not knowing if we could or would get out of this.

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