Chapter 13

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~ Chapter 13 ~ 

I wake up to my alarm playing, 'Good Life' by One Republic. Turning the volume down, I scoot back down under the warm blankets and stretch. Sunlight is beaming through the window and I recall the noise during the night. Funny how the daylight erases the scary effect that darkness emits. I conclude it was probably just an animal of some variety looking for food. 

Reluctantly, I rise to hop in the shower and get dressed for work. Boyfriend, the word pops into my mind. I have a boyfriend. It feels strange and liberating at the same time. It means I've moved past the last relationship and I feel renewed. Simultaneously, I feel bewildered and flattered that Jamie was so jealous of Joey talking to me, yet he actually took the time to communicate his feelings to me instead of brooding and playing games. I like his direct frankness and that is one tactic he has definitely mastered.  

I begin chewing on my lip, remembering the squeeze on my thigh and his voice when he declared, 'I want everyone to know that you belong to me.' Oh how it gives me shivers and tickles in all the right places.  

I feel on top of the world! Dressing in my burgundy satin blouse, black pencil skirt and blazer, and black heels, I sweep my curls over to one shoulder and touch up my lips with gloss. Wearing my silver jewelry, including the necklace and black watch Jamie gave me, I take a cleansing breath and enjoy the happiness surrounding me. I spray a couple spritzes of perfume on, grab my phone, and head downstairs smelling the aroma of fresh perked coffee. 

Waiting for my bagel to toast, I sip my coffee as I look out the kitchen window above my sink. Oh shoot, I notice my plant on the window sill is dying, so I water it and accidentally tip it into the sink breaking the ceramic pot. Who am I trying to kid, the plant was dead already. Cleaning up the mess, I fill my waste bin and remember it's Tuesday: recycling day. I schlep the bin to the curb and stumble stepping through the back door into the kitchen. 

"Damn heels!" I mutter looking back to confirm my heel didn't break. On the floor lays a black leather glove; a large men's black leather glove. I must have stumbled over it as I walked inside. Remembering the loud thump on my deck last night, I feel my heart fiercely pounding on my chest. How in the hell did a men's glove end up on my back deck? I did hear a noise last night! My mind races with thoughts of Aiden sneaking around the garden, peaking in my windows and slipping notes in my mail slot! The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my body jerks with shivers. Fucking stalker! 

Quickly, I gather my bags for work and decide to lock up and get to work. I'll explain everything to the girls and figure out what to do then. I just want to get out of my flat. I peek out my front window and thankfully see parents walking their kids to school. The sight of them talking and laughing calms me. I dart out the front door locking it and catch up to walk closely behind the families. At the end of the street, I merge into a more populated street and blend in among the crowd. The mantra 'safety in numbers' calms me down immediately. However, I could really use a drink, my nerves are shot. Passing by my coffee shop, I realize a cup of caffeine will have to suffice for now. 

"A venti, non-fat, chai tea latte please." Digging out my money, I hear my name called from behind me. Turning around, I see Patrick sitting with a friend! 

"Hello!" I wave.  

Collecting my tea, I walk over to chat. I notice the girl he's with and I thank the Lord that I dressed up today. Confidently, I slither up to the table realizing my Burberry scarf even matches my burgundy blouse.  

"Hello gorgeous! On your way to work?" 

"Yes, but I have a minute to stop and talk to you." Check me out, turning on the charm. 

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