Chapter 17

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~ Chapter Seventeen ~ 

My phone, my phone, where is my phone? I dig through my handbag and pull it out as I turn away from my flat. My heart is racing with panic and fear. I can't think what I should do first! I press Erika's number with trembling hands. Please answer Erika, please! 


"Erika! I need you to come get me at the corner of my street! Someone has broken into my house! Please hurry, I'm freaking out! 

"Stay on the phone, I'm on my way! I'm grabbing my keys. I'm getting in the car. Tell me what happened." 

I hear her car engine start. Walking down the street, I keep looking over my shoulder. Rushed and panicked, my voice trembles and squeaks as I try to explain.  

"I walked up to my door to unlock it and noticed the key was already in the door and the door was ajar! I didn't even walk in. Someone could still be in there!" 

"Go into the Chinese take-away and call the police. I'll be there in five minutes. Stay calm and call." 

"Ok I'm inside the Jade Garden. I'll call and wait for you. Bye." 

I hang up and call the Garda station and report the break-in. As Erika arrives, I'm still on the phone talking to dispatch. 

"I will, yes thank you." I hang up and sit in a chair. 

"What did they say?" Erika sits next to me with anxious concern plaguing her eyes. 

"They told me to wait here until they call me back. Two officers are walking through the house, while cruisers are driving around the streets searching for suspicious activity, in case the intruder is on foot." 

"Do you think it was Aiden?" 

"It's possible. I can't stay there tonight! Nate is going to freak! I'm freaking out! And Jamie is gone, oh Jamie." My hands fist up in a tight squeeze. 

"You can stay with me, don't worry. Just breathe and text Jamie." Erika tries to organize my thoughts. 

"Erika, I've never mentioned Aiden to him, ever. I'll call Nate first." Suddenly my phone rings. "Oh it's the police, I'll take this. Will you ring Nate for me?" Erika nods and I answer my phone. 

"This is Ms. Harrington." The dispatcher informs me I can return to the flat, all is clear and I need to verify nothing was stolen. 

I hear Erika tell Nate I will call him after I finish the walk-through with the police. 

"Nate said he's leaving straight away to meet you at your flat. Are you alright? We can wait for Nate if you'd prefer." 

"No, I'm fine, let's just get some clothes, fill out any paperwork, and go to your place.  

"Audrey, you haven't mentioned you had an ex-fiance to Jamie yet? You are going to have to tell him soon, this stalking situation is dangerous and starting to freak me out! You have to explain what's been going on to Nate. You have no choice now, you have to file a restraining order, or I will drag your bony little arse into the police station myself!" 

"I will file one tonight, trust me. I've never been this scared in my life. I'm still freaking out just walking down my street." 

The constables are parked on the street in front and escort us inside. Nothing was touched or out of place; however, the detective advises me to change my locks. Nate arrives as I finish signing some papers. 

"Audrey!" Nate shouts anxiously from the front door. 

"That's my brother, Nate, please let him in." The constable stands aside and Nate begins to over-react. 

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