Chapter 6 - Crossroads

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Durango, Mexico, the land of scorpions, a beautiful but dangerous place for those who go in search of its venom. But for Brian, it was the destination to get what he wanted, what he needed. After contacting the man who transported people between Houston and Monterrey in vans, Brian put his plan into action. It all seemed so simple, and it was, from the point of view of a young man desperate to live. However, the purpose of the trip would present serious danger. And not just a danger to Brian and his friends, but a great danger to all of humanity. He was about to see what he was capable of doing. The best and the worst thing that can happen in life is for people to realize that they are capable of doing.

Brian had clung to the stupid idea of ​​selling marijuana like beer. He wanted the whole world to be swept away by the beauty of Mary Jane. Aware of how hard life was, he felt the great responsibility of ensuring that this gift of nature was never in short supply ever again.

Brian had already committed acts that he regretted, such as his ambition leading to Sopheak's death. A poor kid who was just defending what was his; the most valued treasure known to any human – family. What Brian was going to do on this trip would allow him to bury Keisha.

Brian was approaching the point of no return without realizing it. People blindly do so much wrong all the time and just don't see it. Some hurt their bodies and their self-esteem, and continue to do so non-stop. People destroy themselves with simple things like what they choose to drink, what they choose to eat, and the amounts they consume. What difference does it make to damage the liver with alcohol or the lungs with smoke? If we harm ourselves, we can definitely harm others. Darkness has no preference, it's not selective, and it's not prejudiced. 

The plan carried on. Brian and his friends were entering the city of Monterrey in the van of dreams, when Rasta was shocked to see the iconic Cerro de la Silla saying to Brian "Damn foo, that mountain looks like a horse saddle just like you said dog! I've never seen a real mountain befo. Houston's flat as Heather Brady's ass! " They all laughed out loud.

"This foo said Heather Brady's ass! That's right, that broad had a concave ass!" Sho said with a loud laugh. Everyone laughed even louder. Even Brian.

Red, literally red at the face from so much laughter, stopped to take a breath and said, "Where's that smell coming from?" His mouth was watering after sniffing the delicious aroma that came from a nearby taco stand. Everyone turned their heads following the smell trying to spot the taco stand, except for Smokey, who quickly made his own comment: "Hey, hey, forget about the mountains and tacos! You guys are missing all the succulent señoritas around here. Just look at that! "

Everyone turned their heads, but this time to look at the provocative figure of a girl walking down the sidewalk. "Damn, I think I'm in love. I love Mexico!" said Smokey.

They all laughed obnoxiously loud once again. The poor driver of the van couldn't wait another minute to get rid of the noisy bunch and desperately stepped on the gas. It didn't take long for him to get to the bus station where he happily dropped them off as they continued their ruckus.

Brian and his friends felt the hospitality of Mexico as soon as they got out of the van. Far beyond the culinary aromas of the street and attractive figures of the ladies who adorned the sidewalks, Mexico usually makes its visitors feel good. All the people stare at the foreigners in a mixture of curiosity and hospitality. It must feel good to be welcomed with courtesy, with special treatment. These particular kids were American, the land of the free and prosperous. Somehow, they felt they would not face prejudice as they walked into the bus station. The United States itself is not prejudiced nor does it reject anyone because of the color of their skin, their beliefs, their culture or their sexuality. We, the people, do that. And that is people worldwide including people in Mexico. But these young guns, were welcomed with open arms. They could feel it in the air. They never felt like this before, not even Brian.

Tatsu - The Threatजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें