Chapter 3 - Reminiscing

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On his way to the park, Brian made a quick stop at a public phone. He hated that phone. At least a thousand hours of his life spent on that disgusting phone coordinating street-time drug deals. Transactions that make a person more trouble than money. He thought about not making this last call, but he had to. HM was his creation and he wasn't going to let it die just because he graduated. He picked up the handset, anticipating the foulness of breath on the transmitter.

The phone rang at Billy's house with a loud ring, that eighties ring that would make you race to the phone just to make it stop. Billy picked up and Brian recognized his voice right away.

"Hey, I'm leaving you in charge of HM. You're the only one who has the guts to run it," said Brian.

"What are you talking about Brian?" whispered Billy. His family was watching The Shining in the living room. "That's the worst idea I've ever heard. I've never been in a fight where I didn't get my ass kicked. You know that!... People don't see strength in me. And you know damn well why! They'll never follow me," said Billy raising his voice, but still at a whisper.

"I don't care about that. You remind me of me. People around you judge you and don't get'chu, so they underestimate chu. But I know you. There is no one better than you to lead HM. I already told the gang you're it." Brian could hear the boy in the movie saying "Redrum, redrum!" in the background.

"I'm not a shiner anymore. It's your time to shine Billy." Brian hung up and continued on his way to the park.

For his new plan, Brian chose four of his graduate buddies: Rasta, Smokey, Sho and Red. All of them members of HM. He was going to meet them at the park to give them the big news, the new plan.

Plan A required John Samson to supply tons of marijuana so that Brian could become a major distributor. But since business is business, loyalty and hard work got Brian a nice slap in the face through the chanting of a filthy keyboard. He was just a pawn, not a king, not even a knight. But that was ok, Brian came up with Plan B. He needed to show the world that he could "Be Someone" -- a true Houston logo. Otherwise, life would cease to have meaning.

He was in no rush to get to the park and lied when he said he was late to meet his friends. He didn't need to lie to his family, but his mother's pain would usually do that to him. Her tears he could never handle. Mother's do that to their children. They make one see the truth and it's so unpleasant. A mother's pure love fights off darkness. It scares evil away. The children of the world are blessed to have such a powerful shield. But sadly, when children grow to become soldiers and go to war with life, they set that shield aside. They forget their fountain of life.

Brian took his time walking, enjoying the solitude. The poor kid had a lot to think about, and in his thinking, he began to remember.

"Give me the photos, Brian!" yelled the school principal from the trash smelling alley behind the school, by the dumpsters. "If you don't give me those damn photos, I'll call the police and tell them you broke into my office to steal school property."

Brian replied with a mocking smile, "If I could hear your heartbeat right now, I'm sure it would sound like a drum. Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

Mr. Brewer was breathing heavily in a disoriented gaze.

"I know you're scared, Mr. Brewer, and what can you do? That's messed up ain't it?" said Brian. He could sense Mr. Brewer wanted to cry. The principal at Rhodes High was about to see his life crumble before his eyes.

Mr. Brewer had gotten himself into a pretty compromising situation. He apparently had good intentions when he helped April Duncan fulfill her dream of becoming a cheerleader. It could have been a good story, but Mr. Brewer screwed it all up.

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