Chapter 23 - A Hint of Good in the Bad

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HEG devised processes for identifying and mitigating even the most minute potential for risk of failure or vulnerability in its operations. Every effort to make the company stronger, more efficient and more secure was spearheaded by Bran himself. If he was ever going to complete the transition of HEG to legitimacy beyond a facade, the system would have to surpass even the most reputable businesses in the world.

He carried out most of his business travel in the US by road observing the transport routes himself and taking note of towns with speed traps, road conditions and overall law enforcement presence. He would constantly stop in small towns buying off local law enforcement where he could. Everyone had a price and it wasn't always monetary.

When he arrived at a city where he had black ops, Brian rode in his SUV for hours noting construction and industrial sites, buildings, neighborhoods, schools, restaurants, grocery stores and churches. He liked to pick the most subtle and safest urban and suburban transport routes for his shipments. Once he defined a route, he had his black ops technical team add those specific routes to PFM navigation systems. An Air Force team known as Gold Monkey was also in Brian's pocket. The team built, launched and operated four GPS and telecommunication satellites exclusively for HEG's black operations. The operations of Gold Monkey were so classified only a few people had limited access, associates of Brian.

He took a walk in a Los Angeles park one afternoon to wind down. After hours of walking, he sat on a bench to watch.

"I told you not to throw rocks at the pretty birdies Jose Antonio! God makes the pretty birds and he's gonna punish you if you keep doing that!" said a young mother to her little brat. She had a stroller and her clothes she was wearing said much about her.

Juan Antonio was able to get a smile out of Brian when the little sucker threatened to throw a rock at him. You might work for me some day kid.

Anyone who can be cruel to animals has it in them to be cruel to people too. In HEG's business, this profile was sought after.

In the last year Brian replaced many of his most trusted guards. He needed men and women who could stand by him during a complex transition. Will, Quentin and Anthony quickly became his most trusted people. These guys were warriors, disciplined, and loyal. They were the best at what they did. Brian had the money to pay for nothing but the best. Brian cleaned house and brought the best replacements across the board.

Later that week, while still in LA, on Sunday morning, Brian was doing more route work. He and Will were waiting at a red light and saw a family coming out of a church. The couple with their two daughters dressed in traditional worship attire smiled at each other in what seemed to be a very pleasant conversation. The girls behind them, a teen and a pre-teen, were horse playing and laughing as they all appeared to be walking to their vehicle.

The man made a pause as if telling his wife and the two girls to wait near the main entrance of the church building. He walked alone toward his vehicle while the wife waited and the girls resumed their boisterous play laughing cheerfully. Brian observed the mother getting on their case. A pleasant scene of normal life. The kind of snapshot that goes unappreciated.

The man reached his car parked on the side of the road about 80 feet from where his family was waiting. He popped the trunk open to put up his case and a couple of bibles. Brian deduced that the grassy area and the light pole near passenger side of the vehicle would not make for an easy boarding for his beautiful family, so likely the man was going to drive up to the entrance as a gentleman would do.

A suspicious young man was approaching the woman and her kids. The light turned green.

"Will, drive slowly. Get ready to follow him," said Brian.

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