Chapter 24 - Thank You

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As much as Brian wanted to shift to doing legal business entirely and put the headaches of the criminal world behind, his life was intertwined with HEG black ops. It wasn't a switch he turn on and off.

If there was something Brian never learned to do was show his appreciation. He had become so darkly self-centered that hardly a thank you came out of him. He had four dead souls to attest to that. With age comes reflection and self analysis and Brian realized that deep inside him he felt gratitude, he just never allowed himself to express it. The scar left by Keisha was the major factor, but that too had to change.

Brian had much to thank his black ops team. They were the heart of HEG's success. They weren't cheap, but they deserved every penny.

As a token of his appreciation, Brian reserved a ballroom at the convention center in Houston to host a special dinner for his black ops team. HEG used breakthrough technology and the most advanced systems across all HEG Group companies, especially PFM, that only the most talented could operate. The in-house software development team was the best in the world. The information technology black ops staff included subject matter experts in networking, cybersecurity, infrastructure, data storage, database administration all in addition to a very talented hacking group. Brian hired nothing but the world's best.

His logistics black ops team, which included drivers and key warehouse staff, was made up of mostly ex-military men and women from all over the world. Brian trusted them with his life. He only picked the best and the most loyal. Or maybe he just knew how to keep them loyal.

His tiger team of black hat hackers and brilliant developers was composed of over 50 computer geeks hired to run vulnerability scans on his network and explore innovative ways of moving funds digitally without traceability.

Brian had a welcoming speech to welcome anyone who joined his black operations:

"I brought you here because you're the best in the field and I only hire the best. If you always remember these two things, you will live a very happy life as long as you work for me. Number one, I found you once and I will find you again if you steal from me or bring any harm on my organization. Number two, if I find you again, I will make you watch while your loved ones are tortured and killed in front of you. If you think there is the slightest possibility that you will fuck with me, tell me now so I can kill you and get it over with. Otherwise, welcome to the team and to a new beginning living in excess."

No one ever dared call his bluff.

Brian's vision was to one day create an untraceable digital currency platform that he could offer his clients on the black market. He would be able to save billions in logistics if he were to achieve this dream. That's why he only hired the best. There were great challenges ahead.

At the ballroom he ordered the staff to decorate the place with a high-tech geeky theme making use black and neon lights all over. He brought in hundreds of arcade games and had his technicians set up huge screens hooked up to game consoles for tournaments.

He provided the best food from the finest cuisines: Italian, French, Mexican, Cafeteria Style, Country Kitchen, African, Mediterranean, Indian, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, South American, South African. He had it all. The music was booming and everyone was having a blast.

He also had 5 fully loaded bars set up to serve unlimited alcoholic beverages. He ordered the event coordinators to make available every beer, whiskey, bourbon, gin, rum, wine, vodka, tequila, mescal and anything that contained alcohol. He even had a booth where his most loyal workers could get the drug of their choice to make the party more enjoyable.

Being that most of his technology personnel were men, he also hired many lady escorts to be present that night to make pleasant company for his squad of techies. Everyone loved the party, and they loved Brian even more. Well, at least it seemed that way.

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