Chapter 33 - Oh, Fortune!

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Anthony received a call from Will saying that they found footage from a security camera at a convenience store near the Louisiana border. Zhi seemed unharmed and remained in the vehicle, but was only slightly visible only through the window. From the plates on the SUV, Will's team was able to see that it was reported stolen a couple of days prior.

After hearing the good news, Brian called Will and told him to drive to the convenience store and meet him there.

Zhen said to Will "Where are you going? I want to come along!"

"Ma'am. I so sorry, but you must stay here. I have our best team guarding you here. I must meet Brian at a the place where Zhi was last seen. We will bring him back to you. I promise!"

Zen sat on the sofa and started crying again as Will left.

"Anthony, let's go. We'll meet Will and the rest of the extraction team at the coordinates they sent you!"

When Brian and Anthony arrived, Will was already there and approached the vehicle. "I spoke with the store owner. She said Abdel seemed a little paranoid. He bought soft drinks, water and snacks. He paid cash, but didn't wait to get his change," reported Will.

"Where do you think he's taking Zhi?" asked Brian.

"If I were him, I would take him to one of the swampy areas here in Louisiana" replied Will sadly.

"I agree. We don't have much time!" said Brian.

Anthony who was still in the SUV with Brian said, "Sir, if he only bought snacks and drinks my gut tells me they're not far from here. It also means they will not be there long. My best bet is they're in an isolated spot in a nearby swamp and will do what they intend to do there tonight."

As Anthony finished saying this, Brian desperately ran inside the grocery store to get brochures for the different points of interest in the area.

"Ma'am, could you tell me which cabin places open during the winter season?" Brian asked the cashier.

"There's a place called Swan Swamp, but it's not the prettiest," replied the old lady.

"Why was that the first place that came to mind when I asked you the question?" asked Brian.

"The gentleman you guys are asking about had a pack of matches from Swan Swamp," she said. "You are one of them, right? The folks who were asking about the Middle Eastern man?"

"Yes, I am. He took my son so it's important that I find him right now or he will hurt my little boy."

"Oh my! Yes it was the Middle Eastern man who had the Swan Swamp matches. I remember clearly, it was him!"

Brian ran back to the car "They're in a cabin at Swan Swamp. Its 30 miles from here. Go, Go!" yelled Brian.

At the cabin, Delbar, the only woman on the team, was pressuring Abdel to get it over with.

"You have been staring at the boy for hours. Just get done with it or I will go over there and slid his throat. Remember what they did to your family!"

Every time Abdel would look at Zhi, he saw his own son and realized there was no way he could kill such an innocent, beautiful little boy.

It was cold that night and Zhi was shaking. Abdel brought some firewood from the porch and started a fire in the chimney. "Come near the chimney boy. It's warm here."

Zhi stood next to him and when he did, Abdel grabbed his tiny hand as he knelt down.

"Nothing is going to happen to you. Your father asked me to bring you here to keep you safe from some people who are trying to harm you. He will come and get you very soon so don't be afraid ok?" Said Abdel wishing someone had done the same with his own children.

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