Chapter 8 - Two Story Jump

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Brian began his assimilation quest to a new life in the US. He admired everything about America, the culture, the language, the people. He did notice, however, there were a lot more rules to follow than in Mexico. Or maybe there were as many rules in Mexico, he just wasn't used to people following them as much. Breaking the rules must have been a matter of survival, at least in El Pozo. Not to say that Brian wasn't proud of his roots. Mexican pride ran through his veins, but he felt honored to be a US citizen. He was born in Texas and he was even more proud of that. And how could he not be? Mexico's system turned it's back on him and his family. But now he was in the USA. All he needed to feel 100% American was to become proficient in English, or so he thought.

The student population at Jones Middle School was ethnically diverse, mostly low income and generally rebellious and undisciplined. There were exceptions, there always is. Since Brian's first day, the welcome was unexpectedly harsh. Suffering quickly became his prerogative. He didn't speak English and he was poorer than most, a perfect target for bullying, mockery and humiliation.

As the days went by, Brian's distress intensified as displayed one day in the cafeteria patio.

"What's your name dog?" asked a student with a smirk on his face.

"My name is Brian," he replied with a thick Hispanic accent.

Out of nowhere a brutal pounding began by a group of kids as soon as Brian said his name. He didn't understand what was going on. It seemed like a game. A cruel game. A very painful one. He had no reference of this type of play. He could only brace and try to dodge. Every punch hurt intensely since he was so skinny and there were so many fists.

The cursing and the punching suddenly stopped. He saw the kids stepping back, but one stepped forward in Brian's blur.

He was asked again "What's your name esey?"

A different kid was asking him the same question. Brian did not understand why, but knew it was definitely not a good sign. He had already answered the question and got a horrible beating so to avoid another thrashing, he didn't respond. Unfortunately, the scourging resumed violently with the kid yelling, "You gotta answa dog!"

Another student, a tall heavy kid, stepped up to Brian. The punching paused again.

"Hey, what do I call you all the time? You remember?"

A huge crowd had now gathered to enjoy the show. Brian was panicking because he didn't understand the question. As if the language barrier wasn't enough, his head had been beaten so bad his ears were ringing and the laughter of the crowd was so loud.

"Shut the fuck up!" yelled the big kid. "In class, what do I call you all the time?"

With trembling fear, Brian worked up enough nerve to answer and he actually responded correctly, "Burrito?"

The crowd burst out laughing and the beating resumed with no mercy hurting Brian's skinny body all over and destroying his dignity.

Witnessing the cruelty, a random girl came out from within the crowd and yelled "Stop! Ya hurtin' that boy!"

She then turned to Brian. "Don't be sayin' words that start with B. These fools be playin' B spike wit chu. If you eva say a word that starts with the letta b, like Burrito, you need to count backwards from 10 to 0 so these fools can stop hittin' you. Uno, dos, tres, but backwardo!" she said complementing her explanation with creative hand gestures.

"If you don't do this, they'll just keep beatin' on you. You understand? Comprende?"

The movement of Keisha's lips as she spoke was so comforting. Brian's response was "Si!" And it was true, he actually understood what she was saying. She was his savior.

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