Chapter 21 - Darkness Takes Over

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There was great demand in the new PFM laundering sector where Brian needed people he could trust to oversee operations across several distribution centers. Since the tournament Brian stopped interacting with his old HM buddies, but he needed them again, knowing they would respond to his calling. He transferred his four friends to PFM and had them drive trucks loaded with dirty money daily and supervise drivers and warehouses from the southeast Texas region. Red, Rasta, Sho and Smokey were moving billions weekly, risking their lives for HEG while Brian was forgetting to show any appreciation for them again.

On a hot August day, Red and Rasta were driving a 100 million load on a PFM truck and were having a heated conversation on what a bad friend Brian turned out to be.

"You say what you say, but he's a selfish muthafucka Red. That fool don't care about no one other than himself!" said Rasta.

"You got it all wrong man. What Brian has accomplished is incredible. It takes focus and hard work. Brian's just in no position to run the business and be our best friend at the same time. HEG ain't HM man! You see Brian raised our pay and he's probably gonna start coming through a little more now. He has to. We've been with him since the beginning!" said Red.

"You keep thinking that man!" responded Rasta.

Five months later, on a Saturday night, Brian invited his friends over to his luxurious penthouse for dinner mainly to get a report on how they saw the PFM operation from within the San Antonio, TX warehouse. At dinner, Rasta made an unexpected comment to Brian.

"The only one getting rich here is you. All we do is drive some damn trucks and move stupid furniture all day to disguise HEG's money transport. I didn't sign up for this shit man! I thought we was friends! We been witchu seven years dog and we're getting tired!"

Rasta's discontent was well understood, but Brian didn't appreciate the topic being brought openly to the table. Especially since for the last several months, Rasta had been stealing cash from the transport loads. Ten thousand here and twenty thousand there over a period of five months had grown to over $650,000. Brian had to replenish the stolen cash every time out of his own pocket. He hadn't done anything about it because of their past, because their was friendship, but Rasta obviously opened Pandora's box that night.

Brian could no longer overlook the fact that Rasta's desire for personal gain had reached a point beyond loyalty. What a shame. Rasta had been there for Brian many times during their gangbanger days. One time they were fighting a gang called Latin Connection and while Brian was fighting off two guys who were ferociously trying to take him down, a third one came from behind and was about to stab him in the back. Rasta ran quickly and tackled the guy, taking the knife from him and stabbing the young man on the abdomen. The kid almost died, but then again so did Brian. Such memories were erased from Brian's past. The present was all he lived for and he wanted more.

Excusing himself, Brian stepped out to make a phone call. After a few minutes, he returned to the dining room concluding his call, "I'll be there in an hour."

Sho and Red wanted to go to a men's club and hang out that night, but Brian told them, "I'm too high profile now to be going to clubs guys. Besides, I have business to tend to, but I do need you with me tonight Rasta".

"Oh yeah, what we doin'?" responded Rasta surprised.

"You'll see."

The guys left to go on their nightly adventure, while Brian and Rasta jumped in Brian's luxurious sedan and headed for the downtown area to one of the old warehouses.

"Where we going yo? We should stop and get something to eat. I could eat a horse!" said Rasta.

"We just had dinner. How can you be hungry?" asked Brian laughing.

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