chapter 2: the arrival of Naruto's grandparents.

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Meanwhile half way across the Galaxy Goku's parents and brother. raditz gine and bardock sensed a massive power level surge and knew it was their son and brother kakarott. Although he now went by the name Goku they were eager to see him none the less. They immediately got into their saiyan shuttle pods and informed raditz that they would meet him on planet Earth. Though what they were about to soon find out would shock them.
Well... bardock at least. Since he wouldn't be able to to get used to the idea of being a grandfather but gine however just couldn't wait to see her son all grown up after all these years. If anything she was both nervous and excited.
Raditz had already made plans to locate his brother and when he did would tell him that their parents were on their way as well. How long it will take he didn't know. Kushina would soon meet Goku's parents and if looks could kill and gine wasn't a saiyan warrior.
She would probably be terrified of Kushina's temper.
Raditz then landed just outside of the village and knowing the natives wouldn't be used to seeing armor like his decided to go incognito and blend in by leaving his armor in his shuttle. he then used his scouter to locate Goku and once he found the general location would hide his scouter he the wrapped his tail around his waist like a belt and acting as though he was just another traveler seeking a place to stay somehow convinced the lazy gate guards and then passed through. He found where his brother and his New sister in-law apparently were living and knocked on the door. Goku immediately sensed raditz energy signature and said.

"Kushina stay with naruto.
If the energy signature I'm sensing is what I think it is..
We may have a fight on our hands. I've sensed this somewhere before but I don't know where. Or even why it feels familiar."
And Kushina said.

Please be careful Goku.
You don't know what their intentions are. They could be after naruto for all we know."
Goku then opened the door and said.

"Hello my name is Goku.
How can I help you???."
And raditz said.

"My my little brother your all grown up now aren't you???.
You probably don't remember me but I am raditz.... your elder brother.
Before you ask. I don't mean any harm. I just thought since I was in this area of the Galaxy I'd pay you a little visit. I'm unarmed and don't have my saiyan armor so I could blend in with the locals. Mother and father are on their way as well. May I meet your wife???. I'd like to get to know my sister in law better."
Kushina then walked into the room and said.

" Greetings raditz. My name is Kushina uzumaki. And this is our son. Your nephew. Naruto uzumaki."
Raditz then bowed before Kushina and said.

"It's very nice to meet you as well dear sister in law.
And you as well my little nephew. AHHHH!!!. My finger!!!.. he sure has quite the grip there kakarott. You should be proud of yourself."
And Goku said.

"I know all about who I was and where I came from. But Times change. I go by Goku now. It attracts less enemies.
And even less attention to myself and my family. Your welcome to come and stay as long as you like. Just don't disturb the peace within the village. The people in the village are called ninja.
And they have no problems killing outsiders."
Raditz was no stranger to threats and knew that if he wanted to he could annihilate the entire village.
But for his brother. THIS was a way of starting a new life for himself. A life away from the frieza force. If anything.
Raditz wanted to put that entire life behind him and start over with his parents and brother. When raditz looked around the house he realized it was MUCH larger then it did from the outside.
But on the inside you could practically organize an entire army!!!. He then found one of the spare rooms and when he laid down on the bed he realized it was much softer then those seats in the capsule pods. His scouter then began beeping as if he was being called. Sure enough it was gine and bardock telling him that they were a week away from Earth and would land at his pods coordinates. Raditz then informed them that the locals aren't used to seeing armor like theirs and should just leave it behind but keep the scouters hidden in case they need them to find him.
Gine and bardock didn't like the idea of leaving their armor behind but raditz had a good point. They would stick out too much and people would be very suspicious. So they grudgingly agreed.

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