chapter 9: the secret relationship of cabba and caulifla.kale goes to universe7

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After the tournament of the grand supreme Kai cabba and caulifla started dating in secret and only told their friend kale about it. For the last year now kale had been wishing she could have the same kind of love that her friends do with each other.

She was happy that her big sister figure was happy and about to have a baby but she was curious if there was someone out there for her as well.

She then remembered universe 7 had plenty of strong fighters especially naruto. However she needed a way to go there unnoticed by chompa and vados and the Omni king.

She then remembered that naruto used instant transmission and said.

"That's it!!!. I'll go to the plant yardrat and learn the instant transmission technique!!!. From there I'll be able to slip past the view of the Omni king and the Angels.  It's brilliant!!!."

Later that night kale stole a ship from the galactic Saiyan patrol. More specifically..cabba's ship and went off to planet yardrat to Carry out her quest to learn instant transmission from the yardratians.

Kale then said as she Took off in the space craft.

"Please forgive me for what I'm doing caulifla...cabba...I hope that once I've found the same happiness you have that you will understand why I left.
Your going to be parents soon. Focus on that and I'll become stronger than before to protect you and your child."

She then took off into the dark depths of space with the ship's controls set to autopilot and the coordinates for the planet yardrat programed she decided to take a nap and ponder on whether or not she's doing the right thing leaving and not telling her friends why and for what reason she stole the ship.

The next day cabba and caulifla had gone looking for kale to do some training when cabba realized his ship was missing!!!.

Cabba then looked at caulifla and said.

"You don't think that Kale might have taken my ship without telling us do you???. I mean. Sure I said she could use it if she needs to but what reason could she have for stealing it???."

And caulifla said.

"I'm not sure why she didn't tell us why she did it or for what reason.
But I'm pretty sure I have a good idea where she's headed with it. I just hope that I'm wrong and she's not going to get herself in any trouble with those other Saiyan from universe7."

And cabba panicking said.

"WHAT!!!. She wouldn't do that would she!!??. Has she forgotten how easily they beat us in the grand supreme Kai tournament!!!. Where else could she have gone then???."

And caulifla said.

"My best guess.... planet yardrat.
She's going to attempt learning instant transmission and head towards universe 7 from there.

She knows that it's the only way she's able to go unnoticed by the angel's and Lord chompa the destroyer.

however I've got a good idea where she's going first. Remember that instant transmission technique that son Goku used???. Well he learned it on planet yardrat. My guess is that's where she's going first and why she took the ship."

And cabba said.

"But what reason would she have for going to universe7 in the first place caulifla???. Why would she leave us behind and not tell us what her reason is???."

And caulifla said.

"Hmm...I don't know. But ever since we started dating she's been acting very strange lately. And when I told her that you and I are going to have a child soon... well I guess she was beginning to feel left out and decided to become stronger than she already is. she wouldn't dare do that. She's far too loyal to me and would never leave me because of that reason!!!. She wouldn't dare move into universe 7!!!. She wouldn't I just know that she would never do such a thing like that!!!. I refuse to believe it."

And cabba said.

"Alright caulifla. I'm sure your right.
Kale wouldn't abandon her friends when we need her most. But what else besides the instant transmission technique could she be searching for in universe7???. What else could...."

Cabba then facepalms himself and said.

Of course!!!. Now it all makes sense!!!.
The reason for taking my ship. Going to planet yardrat. Learning instant transmission. Going to universe7.
Not telling us why she left to begin with.

I think.... she's trying to find out if there's someone out there for her as well. Like she's in search of her own mate as well.

In a way it makes perfect sense. She's seen how happy we are together and probably wishes for the same thing.

But why universe 7 of all places to look???. Why not our own universe??. Why not here instead of another universe???."

And caulifla said.

"Isn't it obvious cabba you cute dimwit. She's not attracted to any of the guys here in our universe Because they all think she's very weak and unconfident in herself. And who wants to date a weak woman???."

Meanwhile. Planet yardrat.

Kale had just landed on planet yardrat and introduced herself to the natives after promising them that she's not a threat and came from another universe she got straight to the point and asked that she received the same instant transmission training as son Goku did

When asked what her reason for learning the technique was she said.

"I want to become stronger. Faster. Better then I am right now. I want you to teach me the way how to control my super Saiyan transformation and control my emotions.

Please help me become stronger. My friends are having a child soon and I want to be strong enough to protect them. I will do whatever it takes to master instant transmission. Whatever you say I'll do it."

And the yardratian said.

" Very well. We begin your training tomorrow morning at dawn. Be ready because the training for the instant transmission technique isn't something that's so easily mastered.

It takes year's of immense concentration and focus to perfect. I hope you have a high tolerance for pain and enough stamina to endure our training methods young female Saiyan. Because it won't be easy to accomplish at all.

See you here tomorrow at dawn. For now. I suggest you get cleaned up and go to sleep early. Because your definitely going to need it."

Kale then did as told and after a hot bath and some new clothes similar to the yardratians uniform she went to sleep wondering if she made the right decision for leaving her friends.

Kale at this point could not turn back now. She swore she would control her emotions and her super Saiyan transformation as well.

However. Unlike Goku who's training was close to a full year.... kale would push beyond her limits and train for 2 years on planet yardrat. Eventually unlocking super Saiyan 2 and 3 transformation through control of her emotions. After 2 years of training she would return to universe 6 stronger and more powerful than even cabba.

The question that still lingered in her mind was. Would she be welcomed back by cabba and caulifla after she did return???. Or would vados and the other angel's exile her from universe 6 forever???. And if so... where would she go afterwards.
Only time would tell. Time that Kale wasn't going to waste sulking. Time that she would use to become the strongest Saiyan of universe 6.

Kale then said to herself.

"I'm not doing this for me...big sis.
I'm doing this so I don't have to watch you protect me any longer...for once.. I'll be there to protect you...and your family. I swear on my life I will become stronger than son Goku."

With her goals set deep within her mind and her dedication to get stronger driving her she would soon realize that sometimes... strength only gets you so far. How far it would take her... only time itself would show her.

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