chapter 6:naruto vs Majin Buu. the weighted gloves come off.

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It was now time for the fight between naruto and Majin Buu to begin. Supreme Kai being all too familiar with the regenerating abilities he had knew this was one fight that was going to be a very long and tiring fight. After all. It's not just anyone who's able to beat Majin Buu. Well. Accept for Goku of course. But either way this was going to be quite the challenge. Califa then looked at cabba and said.

"Cabba your idiot!!!. You didn't tell me we'd be fighting other super Saiyan!!!. You saw it yourself didn't you!!??.
That kid's power level is way beyond what we are capable of handling!!!. If anything his battle style is nothing short of murderous!!!.if we survive this I'll beat the crap out of you myself!!!."
And kale said.

"Hey sis. Don't worry. I'm sure he's not against hitting a girl... right???. He can't be that merciless."
And califa said.

Open up your eyes kale!!!.
You saw what he did to the arena!!!. If that isn't merciless I don't know what is!!!. We play this safe and pray we're not matched up against him in the next round."
In the arena naruto and Majin Buu were given the signal to begin and naruto said.

"Well... from what I've heard about you your very strong.
I guess I'm going to have to fight without any limitations.
Hey Dad. Could I remove my weighted gear???."
Hercule then looked at Goku and Vegeta and said.

"Hey Goku. What is he talking about???. Are you telling me that he was holding back in that last fight???. How strong is your kid anyway???."
And Goku said.

"Well hercule you see the thing is. My clothes are weighted material that suppresses my true power level. naruto is wearing at least 300 pounds of weight.
That's 80 more then me.
Go ahead son!!!. Hold nothing back!!!."
Hercule didn't know it but Buu was in for the fight of his life. Naruto then took off his Boots shirt and arm bands.
All the girls in the stands were going crazy with hearts in their eyes at how well toned his muscles were.
Naruto then began to change up his energy and when he did the entire planet felt like it was going to fall apart.
What happened next.
Not even Goku and Vegeta could imagine. Naruto had pushed beyond super Saiyan 3. He had reached the fourth level then he took it a step further and used the kaioken x 10 naruto then said.
Now we can get this party started."
Faster than anyone could see naruto vanished from view.
The only trace of him was a heavy uppercut that sent Majin Buu flying into the air.
Buu had no time to get his guard up naruto was too fast and couldn't keep up with him. The blink of an eye was all it took before hercule noticed the trouble Buu was in. hercule then asked.

"Hey Goku how is your kid so fast???. It's like nothing Buu does can hurt him it just goes right through him. Why is that???."
And Goku said.

"The reason for that is obvious hercule. My son is moving so fast he's creating an after image of himself.
The reason buu's attacks aren't hurting him is because he's moving too fast for Buu to see. If you can't see him you can't hurt him. The only indication of how you know he's there is after you're hit by him...and even then he's just toying with you. Just watch. Buu is in over his head."

Naruto then slammed his fist into buu's stomach and grabbing him by his rubbery arm swung Buu in a circle until he got dizzy. He then released Buu and sent him crashing down to the ground with a flying axe kick to the chest after crashing into the ground Buu tried to get up but could barely stand.
Naruto then decided to use his modified version of the kame hame ha wave and said.

"Ka me ha me ha dragon!!!!"
A kame hame ha wave in the shape of the Earth dragon shenron then went flying towards Buu. Goku knew from training with naruto that what he used was his most powerful attack and knowing Buu wouldn't survive the hit the supreme Kai decided to redirect the attack into a far away mountain rock. The end result... naruto won because Majin Buu couldn't continue.
Supreme Kai then said.

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