chapter 4:the wave country mission.

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Naruto and his team were at the village gate about to escort the bridge builder tazuna back to his home in wave country when suddenly. Naruto sensed danger off in the distance naruto then realized that tazuna lied about the rank of the mission. It was an A ranked mission now as he said.

"Tazuna... care to tell us why I can sense four shinobi chakra signitures waiting for us???. You better get talking before I get very angry.
And nobody wants to see me angry. Trust me. You see the uchiha over there???. I put him through a wall with a single Punch because he pissed me off. Are you going to do that to me???. Or will you answer our questions."
Naruto began cracking his knuckles as if he was just itching for a fight. If he was going to fight someone it had to be now. spelled Doom for anyone who wants to piss him off.
And that is what was happening right now.
Tazuna then explained how their country was suffering because of the business tyrant Gato and that since he's taken control of their economy he charges outrageous prices and how once the bridge was finished so was gato's business. Which is why he could only afford enough money to pay for a C rank. Naruto then said.

"Stay here guys. I'll be right back with our unwanted attention and we can continue the mission"
Naruto then used instant transmission and grabbed the demon brothers who were tied up with Ninja wire.
Naruto then came back a second time and had zabuza and his apprentice haku. The four Kiri nin were baffled by how one kid was able to locate all four of them at once let alone catch them off guard and apprehend them.
They were all a little bit bruised and beaten which calmed naruto a bit but he still craved a powerful opponent. And these four were nothing compared to his family. If naruto could be honest with himself. He wanted a tournament where the strongest fighters gathered to show their skills.
No fame or fortune. He wanted a good fight that pushed him beyond his limits. When Goku heard about this he decided to call in a favor to hercule to have Majin Buu fight naruto. And if that wasn't enough. Goku knew two other people in hell that could give naruto a challenge. Perfect cell and frieza. Once his mission in wave country was over. Goku would introduce naruto to some of the toughest fighters in hell.
However there was only two people who wasn't going to be okay with this plan. And that was King yema and by extent. The supreme Kai.
Which is where Goku was right now on his knees practically begging said.

"Please please please King yema. Supreme Kai. I need them to help me out with this. My son naruto craves battle like you wouldn't believe!!!. He's even beat
Piccolo and Vegeta. He also beat his own uncle raditz and
My dad. Bardock. Unless your willing to take him on supreme Kai???."
And supreme Kai said.

"I'm sorry Goku but you already know my answer.
We Kai are keepers of peace throughout the universe.
We never fight unless the destroyer's have awoken.
You are not going to convince us otherwise."
Goku wasn't going to let up that easily. So being the trickster he was Said.

OH well... that's too bad since I told him such great stories about you guys and he wants to meet you and train with you guys sometime. I guess your just too high and mighty to fight a 12 year old super Saiyan. Or maybe you have just grown weak and let others do your dirty work.
Either way he will be very disappointed.~ bye bye!!!."
Supreme Kai then said.

"GOKU!!!. you get back here this instant!!!. Nobody calls me. the supreme Kai weak!!!.
If your son is so desperate for a fight then I'll give him one he will never forget!!!. King yema!!!. I'm officially declaring the universal Kai tournament!!!. Perfect cell and frieza are permitted to attend. Goku's son wants a challenge. We'll give him a challenge."
When king Kai was told that the universal Kai tournament was being started up again.
Well he could only guess one person who is responsible for that. He then contacts Goku through telepathy and said.

"GOKU!!!. Get your but back here right now!!!. I'm going rip you apart when you get here!!!. How dare you trick the supreme Kai into starting the universal Kai tournament again!!??. What on Earth are you thinking!!??."
Goku then said.

"Woah calm down King Kai.
It's not for me it's for my son.
He wants to challenge himself. Trust me. He's more powerful then you could imagine. His power level
Goes beyond even me...or the Kai for that matter. And he only went to the second level of super Saiyan."
King Kai then said.

"He's that strong!!??. And you want him fighting in the tournament of The Kai!!!.
Have you lost your memories again!!!. You do remember how dangerous that tournament was don't you!!??. Rmmmm. Fine.
But if he dies you have to explain this to your wife and family."
Goku then said the one thing that would scare king Kai shitless.

"OH don't worry about them because they are coming to compete as well. It's a family bonding kind of thing. Plus all my other friends are coming to watch as well.
He'll be fine you will see."
And King Kai said.

"For your sake I hope you are right. This isn't any ordinary tournament you know. Only the strongest fighters survive."
And so. With preparations for the tournament of the Kai being made and the universe's strongest warriors coming to prove themselves.
Naruto would have what he always wanted. The fight of a lifetime. To push beyond his limits and reach higher and higher eventually reaching the level of a super Saiyan God mode. Weather or not naruto realized just how serious it was Goku wasn't sure. But he knew his son could handle anything.
That much he did know.

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