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AN: Remember, flashback continued...


Monroe's pov

"You got a name?" The man who I've learned goes by Fury asks while setting down a cup of water in front of me. He sits across from me, waiting for a response. I look up to Agent Coulson who stands adjacent to Fury. He gives a reassuring nod.

"I'm Jessica. Jessica Monroe. My parents nicknamed me Fangs, which I don't think I have to explain why." I say gliding my tongue over the pointy edge of a bared fang.

"Why don't you enlighten us about your abilities." Fury proceeds.

"Well, my family was the last of our kind. I am what most teenagers fantasize about. However, we've tried not to let the world know what we are for our safety and theirs."

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen. My parents were Russian. They moved here to escape people who had figured them out. Well... my mother at least. My father wanted to protect her from the world that was so afraid of the unknown. For a while, they had found their normal. They had me. The older I got, the more in-depth they informed me about what I am and what I can do. At eight years old, I had already comprehended everything. But I was a kid... and I wanted to live like one. One day, I snuck out to a park so I could play with some other kids. I noticed a boy being shoved by a few other boys and I decided to step in. On instinct, my fangs bared defensively as the bully tried to pull my hair. I practically snapped at his hands which caused him to jolt back and scream. His parents came rushing over and noticed my fangs. They started calling me a freak. The fear in their eyes caused me to run home. Before I made it, a pair of hands grabbed me from behind. My screams were muffled, but I realized it was my father. He told me how both he and my mother were looking for me. Just as he had found me... I lost him. He was shot in front of me. I froze in shock. Some guy came out from hiding with his gun. He had been looking for my mother for years."

"Is this him?" Fury shows me a file with a photo of my attacker. It read Baron Strucker.

"Yes... how did you-"

"We've been trying to track him down since your father went MIA thirteen years ago. From what you've said, it looks like he went off the grid to protect you and your mother." Coulson adds.

"You know my father?"

"Agent Jackson Monroe. I should've seen the resemblance." Fury finishes. Of course. No wonder my father had such advanced technology and knew exactly where to go. "He reached out to us again when he thought you had been taken by Hydra."

"That's how he found me that day at the park..."

"So why was Strucker interested in you? Where was your mother?"

"While my father was looking for me, my mother was at home in case I came back. She must've sensed something was wrong because before the old man laid a hand on me, she came out of nowhere and attacked him. She had transformed beforehand, but he fired his gun once more. Once she was injured, it was easier for him to kill her. I knew better than to resist, so I did as I was told and went with him to a facility where he tortured me for nine years. He was obsessed with power and tried everything to take mine and make it his own. Once that didn't work, he decided to make me his own personal weapon. I was forced to transform in and out. Human to hound and back to human. He figured out how to give me power rather than take it." I then made eye contact with Agent Coulson. "That's where the energy that destroyed your car came from. I don't know how to control them yet."

"How did you escape?" Fury asked his final question.

"Sooner or later, my state of mind awakened. I realized how much power I actually had and used it to my advantage. And here I am."

Agent Hill walks in with a fresh change of clothes and sets it next to my now empty cup. I hadn't noticed I'd been drinking the water.

"Coulson here will show you where you can clean yourself up. We do have a room you can stay in to get plenty of shut-eye."

"Uhh... sir? Who is Hydra?" I asked curiously. 

"They're a terrorist organization, Strucker happens to be one of their leaders. You'll learn more about them during your training. Don't make us regret this."

"I won't" With that, Fury left while Coulson led the way. I felt safe here. A few years passed as my trust was gained highly with Fury and vice versa. I had been introduced to Natasha Romanoff who was about the same age as I was. She had just been recruited on a technical note, but we've gotten really close since we started training together. Eventually, I gained full control of my abilities. However, new things still pop up here and there. I was trusted enough to do solo missions as well as accompany any other agents who needed my help. Little did I know, quite the offer was about to be made. I sat in my room and turned on the T.V. The infamous Tony Stark was on air being interviewed about some new arc reactor. I rolled my eyes at his snarky comments. I was not fooled by the billionaire, he has quite the reputation. I then heard a knock on my door.

"Come in."

"Coulson wants to see you." Nat declares.

"New mission?"

"When is it not." We share a laugh as we find the agent to fill me in.

Better be a fun one.

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